* The assigment contain individual questions with three questions per each person
* The assigment are to be submitted on github individually by forking the repository
- Fork from roybylon.
Click on the link above roybylon, at the top right and corner between Watch and Star click on fork this repository click on fork repository
First generate a personal access token
At the top right hand corner click on profile, settings and developer settings click on personal access token, token classic
click on generate new token, name your token copy it and saved it to a file in notepad or as txt file
- Repository link with personal access token
Go to your profile, click on your repository name click code and copy the link of https links. Go to terminal Linux or powershell or cmd for windows paste the link https://[email protected]/username/repositoryname where PAT is your personal access token in your txt file and username is the name of your repository With this description you can now push and pull to your repository without login with your username and password