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Releases: ropensci-archive/bomrang

bomrang 0.7.4

29 Mar 23:38
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Bug fixes

  • get_weather_bulletin() now works properly with new versions of tibble and rvest (@mpadge, #134).

  • A custom useragent is specified for the bomrang package as the RStudio useragent results in an error 403 (denied) when attempting to connect to BOM servers. This did not appear to affect R running in sessions outside of RStudio (@jonocarroll, #130).

  • curl options are now set to handle the slow responses from BOM servers rather than timing out.

  • Fixes CRAN NOTE: "'LazyData' is specified without a 'data' directory".

Minor changes and improvements

  • Changes to internal databases of BOM metadata for station, radar and forecast locations are now tracked in the data_raw directory of the repository on GitHub with the changes being stored in extdata and available in the package through:

    • load(system.file("extdata", "AAC_code_changes.rda", package = "bomrang"))
    • load(system.file("extdata", "JSONurl_site_list_changes.rda", package = "bomrang"))
    • load(system.file("extdata", "marine_AAC_code_changes.rda", package = "bomrang"))
    • load(system.file("extdata", "radar_location_changes.rda", package = "bomrang"))
    • load(system.file("extdata", "stations_site_list_changes.rda", package = "bomrang"))
  • Station numbers are padded with "0" in output from get_historical_weather() to align with BOM naming conventions and other bomrang functions (@jonocarroll, #127).

  • Remove rOpenSci footer from README.

  • Corrects incomplete final line found on /inst/CITATION.

East Perth

01 Dec 20:13
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Bug fixes

  • get_current_weather() now returns the correct values for rel_hum, rather than returning a column of NA

  • get_available_imagery() now fails properly if a non-numeric radar_id is supplied

Minor changes

  • Switch GIS raster file support from raster to terra

  • radar_id values in get_available_radar() are now provided as a numeric value.
    This previously was a character that was internally coerced to numeric

  • get_radar_imagery() now returns a magick-image object rather than a raster object.
    The files are .gif natively, this is a better way to handle them

East Toowoomba

17 Nov 06:16
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bomrang 0.7.2

  • Fixes an example that wrote to R userspace, when it should not in get_radar_imagery()


20 Jan 22:59
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bomrang 0.7.0

Bug fixes

  • Resolves an issue where select() was not recognised as being re-exported
    by bomrang from dplyr

  • Fixes bug where precipitation to 9am, column r, in ag bulletin was not
    reported at 0.01 for "Tce" as documented in vignette

  • Fixes bug where weather bulletin contained empty cells rather than a proper
    NA value where data was missing

  • Adds skip_on_cran() to all tests causing failures in CRAN checks that
    should not have been tested on CRAN

  • Corrects (and skips) a test that failed on Solaris and macOS when writing to
    disk by using tempdir() rather than the userspace

Major changes

  • Requires R >= 3.5.0 now due to changes in serialisation of internal .Rds files
    used to store databases of station information

  • Adds three new functions to parse local XML files, not relying on R's ability
    to fetch files from an insecure FTP server, thanks to @PaulMelloy for this

    • parse_ag_bulletin()

    • parse_coastal_forecast()

    • parse_precis_forecast()

  • Improved test coverage, ~93 %

    • Adds tests for previously untested get_weather_bulletin()

    • Adds tests for bomrang_tbl() functionality

  • Fail gracefully with message and returns invisble(NULL) if a resource is not
    available for XML or JSON files, not erroring. In cases where a file is not
    found, error 404 or on the FTP server, an error message is still returned

Minor changes

  • Comprehensive cleaning of the vignette and reformatting of help files for all

  • Precompile use_case vignette as well as main vignette

  • Improved matching of possible character strings entered by user for state to
    include variations of two-letter abbreviations of Australia


08 Jan 00:50
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Bug fixes

  • resolves the group_by issues of #105 reported by Blundys

  • Adds skip_on_cran() to some tests causing failures in CRAN checks that
    should not have been tested on CRAN

  • Fixes bug in functions returning [data.table] objects that don't print to

  • Fixes bugs that removed station locations from internal lists being
    distributed with bomrang and when user updated them on their own machine

Minor changes

  • Prebuild main vignette with examples depending on Internet connection, which
    allows for example output to be displayed for more functions


04 Jul 21:26
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Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug with links to documentation from get_historical() and %>%

  • Updates station location databases to use updated BOM URLs, thanks to @ozjimbob for reporting

  • Updates file and error handling for image downloads when downloads fail

  • Ensures that .Rds/.Rda files are saved using version 2, for R from 1.4.0 to
    3.5.0 such that users using older versions of R do not have to upgrade to use

  • Fixes bug that prevents end-user from self-updating internal databases

Minor changes

  • Plots radar images natively using re-exported raster::plot()

  • Adds sweep_for_forecast_towns(), which works analogously to
    sweep_for_stations(), thanks to @Rensa for adding


21 Mar 12:25
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bomrang 0.5.0

Bug fixes

  • Update functionality of get_precis_forecast() and get_coastal_forecast()
    to work with latest BOM XML files

Major changes

  • New print method for get_historical() and get_current_weather() using
    bomrang_tbl class and re-exporting dplyr methods to handle the new class,
    thanks to @jonocarroll for this huge effort

  • Add new aliases for get_current_weather(), get_current() and
    get_historical(), get_historical_weather() for consistency

  • Add new aliases for get_radar_imagery(), get_radar() and
    get_satellite_imagery(), get_satellite() to save typing

  • If images fail to download for any functions, a default image is returned
    with an error message to try again

  • get_current_weather() no longer has raw or parameters, all
    data are returned with columns in proper class as with all other bomrang
    functions and the returned data.frame is a bomrang_tbl object. The raw
    parameter was set to FALSE by default, so the effect should be minimal for
    most end users.

Minor changes

  • Updates documentation formatting and corrects minor issues including
    spellchecking package and correcting spelling where necessary

  • Uses curl to download XML files before parsing them, rather than reading
    directly from the server. curl gives more flexibility in handling the
    server connections

  • Uses curl::curl_download() in place of utils::download.file() for a
    newer implementation of the same protocols

  • Correct formatting of DESCRIPTION file to conform with CRAN guidelines

  • Replaces \dontrun{} with \donttest{} for examples in documentation

Adelaide Hills

19 Oct 12:12
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Bug fixes

  • get_historical() now fetches data for any station with historical data
    available corrected an issue where previously it only fetched data for stations
    that currently reported

  • Enforce standardised output for get_coastal_forecast(). In some cases BOM
    does not report all fields available, bomrang will always report these with
    NA if empty

Minor changes

  • Add new functionality to interact with and download radar imagery from BOM,
    get_available_radar() and get_radar_imagery()

  • When using update_station_locations() or update_forecast_towns() the user
    is now prompted with a message about reproducibility before proceeding

  • Update code of conduct statement in README to reflect that it only applies to
    the bomrang project

  • Update authors' list in vignette to include Dean Marchiori

  • Add links to on-line versions of vignettes from README

  • Standardise use of vocabulary in README

  • Reorder vignette to have output from functions before maps

  • Add maps of historical data completeness and availability to vignette,
    Appendix 7

  • Move copyright information from startup message into CITATION file

Surfers Paradise

15 Aug 06:49
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Major changes

  • Add new function get_coastal_forecast(), which fetches the BOM coastal
    waters forecast

Minor changes

  • Add spaces between sentences in some error messages when interacting with the
    BOM servers

  • Enhance testing for get_historical()

  • Handle checking multiple imagery files gracefully without returning warning
    message if more than one file is to be loaded in current session

  • Update citations for package to reflect current package and paper citation

South Bank

19 Jul 08:49
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bomrang 0.2.2

Bug fixes

Fix corrupted zip file download issue for get_historical() on Windows

Minor changes

  • Update citations for package to reflect current package and paper citation