This space captures discussions about the information model and ideas about changes. Please add your materials to this repo!
The modules.odg is of historical interest as a high level map over some important data types and services in the DINA system....
Some core data types Some associations to other data types
| CollectionObject | incl "containers" and links to media, projects
+-----------------------+ catalogues, collection, determinations etc
| Taxon / taxonomy | determinations, links to most other data types
| Locality / places | links to geography, collecting events, ref works,
+-----------------------+ habitat, stratigraphy
| Storage location | space (time?) coord for physical storage location
| User/Agent/People | incl org/group links, generates events such as
+-----------------------+ determinations, accessions, loans etc
| Reference work | citations
| Media (binary assets)| depictions, sounds and other associated objects
Higher level web APIs expose functionality needed for compound tasks, such as
- reporting / statistics / printing etiquettes etc
- "workbench" type functionality for migrating data in and out
- managing collections including loans, data entry etc
Web UI components provide clients or front-end to support these tasks
interactively and while doing so work against backend web APIs.
| DNA (LIMS seqs etc) |
| Species Profile | links text and images to a taxon,
+-----------------------+ describes habitat, behaviour etc
# Text diagrams can be created with JavE
# src:
# cmd: java -jar jave5.jar
Existing modules and their respective doucumented web APIs:
- Taxonomy management
- [DNA data web APIs from seqdb](no online docs yet)
- Species Profile Model API in The Naturalist
- Media API
- [DINA Specify REST API](no online docs yet)
- [Dina Data Tool](no online docs yet)
The following UI components are currently available and make use of the backend web APIs:
Here are information about various guidelines and principles of construction that inspire and guide the construction, design and future development of DINA-Web
- Functional guidelines - API design guidelines
- Style guidelines - Visual design guidelines
- Licensing guidelines
- Data exchange guidelines - Import and export of data
Please see Infrastructure for an overview of the technology stack that the DINA system runs on.