This project demonstrates a bug in SPM where creating a dependency between libraries defined within the same package causes a crash in SwiftUI previews when LibraryA
depends on LibraryB
s resources
Package structure:
- spm-bug
- LibraryA
- LibraryB
LibraryB contains Resources/Assets.xcassetcatalog with one image resource contained within, named MyImage.
public enum Images {
public static let myImage = UIImage(named: "MyImage", in: .fixedModule, with: nil)!
The property myImage
is used in order to load the image from the library.
In LibraryA
, there is a SwiftUI View with the following definition:
import SwiftUI
import LibraryB
public struct MyView: View {
public init() {}
public var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("The Image")
/* Uncomment the below line to get a preview */
// Image(systemName: "circle.fill")
Image(uiImage: Images.myImage) // This causes the preview to crash
Image(uiImage: Images.myImage)
relies on loading the resource defined in LibraryB, and will cause the SwiftUI preview to crash.