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@romashamin romashamin released this 16 Nov 13:12
· 26 commits to master since this release
  • Limited decimal places: enjoy 39.7 pt instead of 39.72413793 pt. Anyway, I recommend keeping a document's resolution set to a multiple of 72 ppi (#3)
  • Improved a label’s appearance: now label is brighter than mark (#8)
  • Improved a label’s typography: you’ll love thin space between value and measurement unit.
  • Now you can change opacity of a mark. By default, the script adjust opacity to 65%. Hint: use number keys — ‘8’ for 80% or ‘5’ for 50%
  • Now you can pick color of a mark. The script uses foreground color (#6)
  • ‘Install’ section was complemented with instructions for Windows computers. Thanks @adamculpepper (#4)