Serenity Http Client aim to provide a target based http client that manage common use cases out of the box and provide powerful tooling for complex use cases.
- 🪧 About
- 🚀 Installation
- 🛠️ Usage
- 🤝 Contribution
- 🏗️ Built With
- 📝 Licence
npm install @serenity-dev/http-client
To setup the project locally see the contributing guide
- TypeScript Strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript
- Jest framework to run automated tests.
- Configuration: .tooling/.eslint/.eslintrc.cjs
- Eslint Static code analyzer to find syntax problems.
- Configuration: .tooling/.eslint/.eslintrc.cjs
- Local Documentation: .tooling/.eslint/.eslintrc.cjs
- Prettier Opinionated code formatter.
- Configuration: .tooling/.prettier/.prettierrc.cjs
- Husky Modern native git hooks. Used for quality check on commit and push.
- Commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.
- Configuration: .tooling/.commitlint/commitlint.config.cjs
- Lint-staged execute commands on staged files.
- Configuration: .tooling/.lint-staged/.lintstagedrc
- Concurrently Used to parallelize commands execution.
- Github Actions
- Semantic release Automates the whole package release workflow.
- Configuration: .tooling/.semantic-release/.semantic-release.config.cjs
See the file.