- Runs under Rails 4.0.3
- Rails 4 Framework
- Rspec, Cucumber(Behavior Driven Development)
- Active Record Associations
- Active Record Validations
- Asset Pipeline
- Action Mailer
- Twitter bootstrap
- Jquery-rails
- Jquery Data table
- Simple form
- Less
- Devise
- Papertrail
- Ajax
- Full Text Search
- OmniAuth Google OAuth2
Click here to visit Application
The source code is managed with Git (a version control system) and hosted at GitHub.
You can download the app ("clone the repository") with the command
$ git clone https://github.com/rohitpbhore/sample_blog_app.git
Start the server
$ rails server
Start the Solr server by running:
rake sunspot:solr:start
and go to http://localhost:3000/
You'll need to be in the application root directory:
$ cd blog
You'll need to edit the database.yml
Load a schema.rb file into the database
rake db:schema:load
RSpec is a framework for creating specifications and testing a Rails web application.
You can run RSpec "stories" to see the specifications for the application's behavior. You can run RSpec "examples" to verify the application is behaving as intended at the object level.
You must prepare the test database before running RSpec:
$ rake db:test:clone
$ rake db:test:prepare
which takes a schema dump from the development database and uses it to create a test database. (If you're modifying the app, you'll need to do that after every migration.)
To run the RSpec examples:
$ rake spec
Prepare the test database
To run the Cucumber examples:
$ cucumber