This script is to detect background color of an image. Thanks for Color-Theif ( for such a great work. Here I have used some code from Color-Theif.
##How To Use
####HTML markup
<img src="source.jpg" id="backgroundImage"/>
<div id="backGroundColor"></div>
var backgroundColorThief = new BackgroundColorTheif();
var rgb = backgroundColorThief.getBackGroundColor(document.getElementById("backgroundImage"));
document.getElementById("backGroundColor").style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] +')';
[Click here] ( to seee demo
##Algoirithm behind this script
Most dominant color of edges and corners of image can be background color of the image. [Click here] ( for more explanation
I have implemented some online tools using this script. Take a look at below links