Nginx proxy Plugin for STAKKR
Plugin made by Roel Bindels (iNet Process) to setup any webservice behind a nginx proxy with certbot encryption. Original setup is inspired by the nginx proxy setup from Jason Wilder.
WARNING: The plugin directory must be named nginx_proxy
(complete path: plugins/nginx_proxy`)
To use the plugin, a stakkr environment has to setup prior to using the plugin. Please check the manual for full installation notes.
mkdir stakkr
cd stakkr/
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 prod_stakkr
source prod_stakkr/bin/activate
pip --no-cache-dir install stakkr
Now the plugin can be installed by cloning the repository in the plugins/ directory of your stakkr setup. Important is to call the plugin nginx_proxy.
cd plugins/
git clone nginx_proxy
cd ..
You also need to add the following settings to your conf/compose.ini:
# nginx-proxy virtual host name
[email protected]
# Directory URI for the CA ACME API endpoint. If you set it's value to staging letsencrypt will use test servers that don't have the 5 certs/week/domain limits.
# acme_ca_uri=
Now run;
stakkr refresh-plugins
stakkr start
There can only be a single nginx-proxy listening to port 80. Therefore the proxy is setup with it's own network layer, the proxy-tier. We can add multiple containers to this network, so they can be proxied.
Use stakkr nginx-proxy
to add a second instance to the master nginx setup.