CloudFlare Grunt Task talking to the CloudFlare API. The default action is to purge the CloudFlare cache. This package This package is a modification of grunt-cloudflare. Credits for strathausen.
cloudflare: {
/* Action, default is to purge the cache */
a: 'fpurge_ts',
/* CloudFlare credentials */
/* API key */
tkn: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY,
/* CloudFlare e-mail */
email: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL,
/* Domain */
z: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_DOMAIN
/* Files to purge the cache */
url: ['', '']
For more options, see the CloudFlare API Docs.
Modifying this plug-in to support more CloudFlare actions should be straight forward. Don't hesitate sending in a pull request. if you need another feature. Purge CloudFlare Cache Grunt Task. This package is a modification of strathausen/grunt-cloudflare