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Base Angular App Structure

Tech Stack

  • NodeJS Environment Manager
  • Grunt JS Task Runner
  • Bower Dependency Management
  • AngularJS JS Framework for Single-Page Apps
  • Ionic HTML5 Mobile Development Framework
  • Karma JS Test Runner
  • Cordova Multiplatform Native API Management

Development Environment Setup

Install Depencencies

sudo npm install -g cordova bower grunt-cli protractor

sudo gem install compass

npm install

bower install


Build the app

sudo grunt build

Serve the app

sudo grunt serve

Build + Serve the app

sudo grunt serve:www

Integrating into Ripple

Step 1: Add via the Chrome Web Store

Step 2: Run sudo grunt serve:dist

Step 3: Click on the Ripple Chrome Icon and select Enable and Apache Cordova/Phonegap (1.0.0)

Cordova: Build Locally

Make sure the android sdk or xcode is installed and paths set first.

If they are, run:

cordova platform add <platform>

View added platforms

cordova platform ls

Build the app

cordova build <platform>

Build and load on device

cordova run <platform>

Note: You will need to plug your device in, and if on android enable debugging mode.

Cordova: Build Remotely

Add Phonegap App Id to .cordova/config.json

Log in to Phonegap's Remote Build API by running

sudo phonegap remote login and entering your Phonegap credentials

Run sudo grunt phonegap:send to build and send it to Phonegap Remote Build

Navigate to Phonegap App Id)/builds

Scan the QR Code to download the app on your device


Run All Tests

sudo grunt test

Unit Testing:

Code coverage is generated in test/coverage and uses Istanbul through Karma Coverage. It generates tdd and bdd specific reports and saves the latest ran each day to track coverage over time. Note it does not push to github.

Framework: Jasmine


Run TDD + BDD Tests: sudo grunt test:unit

Run TDD Tests: sudo grunt test:tdd

Run BDD Tests: sudo grunt test:bdd

Run a Single Test: sudo grunt test:(target):(fileType):(testName)


(target) is either tdd or bdd

(fileType) is a directory such as controllers or services

(testName) is the name of the test excluding the _test.js, such as default

Example: sudo grunt test:bdd:controllers:default only runs test/bdd/controllers/default_test.js

Integation Testing:

Framework: Protractor


Run Integration Tests: sudo grunt test:e2e

Adding Files

Add an AngularJS (Controller, Directive, View, etc.) or CSS File

Step 1: Name the file in the correct app/ directory

Step 2: Add to app/app.js if applicable

Step 3: Add to app/index.html in the correct location if not a view

Step 4: Add test case files with the same name + _test you used in Step 1 in test/bdd/ and test/tdd in the correct directories if applicable

Adding Plugins

Add a Cordova or ngCordova Plugin

Step 1: Find on or

Step 2: Run cordova plugin add <plugin>

Step 3: Add to plugin app/config.xml with version

Add a Bower Plugin

Step 1: Find on

Step 2: Run bower install <plugin> --save-dev

Step 3: Add route of .js file to app/index.html with the rest of the bower dependencies

Step 4: Add module name to app/scripts/app.js

Add a Node Module

Step 1: Find on

Step 2: Run npm install <plugin>


JSHint error of undefined on defined code

Add code to .jshintrc under "globals"

Locations of example name








Base Architecture for an Angular Cordova App






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