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GraphiQL-Rails Gem Version Tests

Mount the GraphiQL IDE in Ruby on Rails.



Add to your Gemfile:

bundle add graphiql-rails


Mount the Engine

Add the engine to routes.rb:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # ...
  if Rails.env.development?
    mount GraphiQL::Rails::Engine, at: "/graphiql", graphql_path: "/your/endpoint"
  • at: is the path where GraphiQL will be served. You can access GraphiQL by visiting that path in your app.
  • graphql_path: is the path to the GraphQL endpoint. GraphiQL will send queries to this path.


You can override GraphiQL::Rails.config values in an initializer (eg, config/initializers/graphiql.rb). The configs are:

  • query_params (boolean, default false): if true, the GraphQL query string will be persisted the page's query params

  • initial_query (string, default nil): if provided, it will be rendered in the query pane for a visitor's first visit

  • title (string, default nil): if provided, it will be rendered in the page <title> tag

  • logo (string, default nil): if provided, it will be the text logo

  • csrf (boolean, default true): include X-CSRF-Token in GraphiQL's HTTP requests

  • header_editor_enabled (boolean, default false): if provided, the header editor will be rendered

  • headers (hash, String => Proc): procs to fetch header values for GraphiQL's HTTP requests, in the form (view_context) -> { ... }. For example:

    GraphiQL::Rails.config.headers['Authorization'] = -> (context) { "bearer #{context.cookies['_graphql_token']}" }
  • input_value_deprecation (boolean, default false): if provided, the deprecated arguments will be rendered

  • should_persist_headers (boolean, default nil): if true, the headers in the editor will be persisted. If false, the toggle for 'Persist headers' will not be shown in the settings


  • Tests: rake test
  • Build JS: yarn run build