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Getting started
This is a little server (& client library) to allow concurrent editing of any kind of content. The server runs on NodeJS and the client works in NodeJS or a web browser.
At the moment only plain-text is supported, but JSON and rich text should be supported soon.
Check out some cool demos
npm install share
Run the examples with:
# sharejs-exampleserver
# git clone git://github.com/josephg/ShareJS.git
# cd ShareJS
Run the tests:
# cake test
Build the coffeescript into .js:
# cake build
# cake webclient
Run the example server:
# bin/exampleserver
There are two ways to run a sharejs server:
Run from a node.js app:
var connect = require('connect'), sharejs = require('share').server; var server = connect(connect.logger()); var options = {db: {type: 'memory'}}; // See docs for options. // Attach the sharejs REST and Socket.io interfaces to the server sharejs.attach(server, options); server.listen(8000); console.log('Server running at');
From the command line:
# sharejs
Configuration is pulled from a configuration file that can't be easily edited at the moment. For now, I recommend method #1 above.
If you are just mucking around, run:
# sharejs-exampleserver
This will run a simple server on port 8000, and host all the example code there. Run it and check out http://localhost:8000/
. The server will just store everything in ram, so don't get too attached to your data.
If you want to get a simple editor working in your webpage with sharejs, here's what you need to do:
First, get an ace editor on your page:
<div id="editor"></div>
Your web app will need access to the following JS files:
- Ace (http://ace.ajax.org/)
- SocketIO (http://socket.io/).
- ShareJS client and ace bindings.
Add these script tags:
<script src="http://ajaxorg.github.com/ace/build/src/ace.js"></script>
<script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
<script src="/share/share.js"></script>
<script src="/share/ace.js"></script>
And add this code:
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
sharejs.open('hello', 'text', {host: 'localhost', port: 8000}, function(doc, error) {
Thats about it :)
The hostname and port are not needed if you're hosting your webpage from the same host & port as sharejs.
Have a look at the examples in the repository for demos. If you want to see this examples running, run # sharejs-exampleserver
and browse to http://localhost:8000/ .
The client API is the same whether you're using the web or nodejs.
Here's an example application which opens a document and inserts some text in it. Every time an op is applied to the document, it'll print out the document's version.
Run this from a couple terminal windows when sharejs is running to see it go.
var client = require('share').client;
// Open the 'hello' document, which should have type 'text':
client.open('hello', 'text', {host: 'localhost', port: 8000}, function(doc, error) {
// Insert some text at the start of the document (position 0):
doc.submitOp({i:"Hi there!\n", p:0});
// Get the contents of the document for some reason:
doc.on('change', function(op) {
console.log('Version: ' + doc.version);
// Close the doc if you want your node app to exit cleanly
// doc.close();
See Client API for full API documentation, and examples/node*
for some more example apps.