emulation of apk package manager commands on a slackware system for the specific repository only and for slackware64-current
Personal and unofficial binary repository with its own Package Manager, for Slackware64-current.
It is tradition almost every unofficial Slackware repository to have its own package manager, so here is mine which work only with this repository of course :D
It work like this:
Every Package has
- package_name.tar.lz4
- package_name.sha256sum
are all metadata and the binarypackage_name.t?z
- For install-upgrade a package, apk before extract tar.lz4 do:
- compare sha256sum and if its valid continue.
- extract tar.lz4 and search if dependencies needed...
- install deps if command was
apk add
or skip them if wasapk fix
- check validate
md5sum and if its ok install-upgrade pkg.
- When apk need to print only packages informations from repository (apk search,show,etc...):
- It not download locally packages
- It use curl piped to tar and read all informations on the fly from
- When apk del need to remove a package from system:
- Since apk delete only packages that was installed from apk (dont touch slack packages or SBo or anything else)
- Althought its has its own database for installed packages (apk stats)
- It also read systems packages log, so because we want to be 100% sure it will ask you 2 times to confirm before del pkg.
- I want this tool to work only with this repo to not have conflicts with other repos.
- But if a dependency is missing from here (probably for size limmit git-lfs not enough), its ok to install it from other REPO using slpkg,sbopkg,slackpkg+ etc...or you can build it from athos if exist there.
All packages here are builded using athos in a Slackware64-current system always updated...
This repository is also compatible with GitVoyager
This repository is also compatible with captain-slack
This is not apk-tools (Alpine Package Keeper) or Chimera`s next-generation version 3.
This apk is a simple bash script which was written from scratch to work exclusively with this repository.
Repo files can be found here
- Dependencies: None in full Slackware installation. Else:
"bash curl pkgtools"
- To install apk (meaning the package manager):
- As regular user paste in terminal all this ugly cmd line:
mkdir /tmp/apk && cd /tmp/apk || exit && curl -L -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rizitis/apk/refs/heads/main/apk && curl -L -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rizitis/apk/refs/heads/main/apk.env && curl -L -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rizitis/apk/refs/heads/main/repositories
- Then be root (su -l) and command:
cd /tmp/apk || exit && mkdir -p /etc/apk && cp ./apk.env ./repositories /etc/apk/ && cp ./apk /usr/local/sbin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/apk
- Finally always as root run the update command 2 times:
apk update
to connect apk with remote repository and againapk update
to update pakcages lists. - To blacklist packages for slackpkg, as root:
echo "[0-9]+_rtz" >> /etc/slackpkg/blacklist
- As regular user paste in terminal all this ugly cmd line:
- HowTo use apk, always as root command:
apk --help
# === Commands for Download,Install,Upgrade,Remove,Search <packages> === #
# apk add pkg Add/Install a package and its dependencies if exist in apk repository
# apk del pkg Delete a package (only if it was installed from this apk repo)
# apk search pkg Search for a package and its sum file (if exist in this apk repo)
# apk show pkg Print information about a package (so.file, dependencies, README etc...)
# apk fix Repair (Reinstall) a package or Install/Upgrade it without modifying dependencies
# apk download pkg Download package files but not install
# === Commands which not followed by <package> === #
# apk update Update apk repository database
# apk upgrade Upgrade all installed packages from the apk repository ONLY.
# apk info List all installed packages from the apk repository ONLY.
# apk stats Show statistics (ONLY about apk repository and installations).
# apk upgrade-apk Upgrade apk script it self and apk.env.
# apk restore-apk downgrade apk script it self and apk.env to previous status before last upgrade-apk.
# apk help Print help message
- To uninstall apk, as root:
rm -rf /etc/apk /usr/share/apk /usr/local/sbin/apk /var/lib/apk
Stop screaming and open an issue:
With God`s help maybe we can fix it...
this is not SBo/ponce or conraid or alienbob repos
I m just having fun here and build packages I need and not exist there most of times.
If Slackware-stable was released every year and not when its ready, probably all these packages should be in SBo by me.
But now most of them do not run or build properly in Slackware-stable so they will not be accepted in SBo
Thats all, happy slacking...
I can not upload large files (>100MB) due to github limits.
I prefer the unlicence
but now I will use what Alpine Package Keeper use,
so GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991