First task for FDL research under Prof. KC Chang
Task: Mining US Research Funding Award Data
The dataset: Download dataset awards-20230530.xml (data) and awards-20230530.xsd (schema) from this folder. The data file consists of a list of awards, each of which describes a research fund awarded to one or multiple research institutions as the “recipients”.
Task: Can you analyze the dataset and write programs – you can use any tools/libraries/databases – to find out:
- How many awards and total amounts were awarded to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during the period of 2010 - 2020?
- Can you compare the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Michigan for their awards during 2010 - 2020?
- Can you propose some ideas to analyze this dataset and gain insights about research funding? That is, how would you “mine” this dataset to learn something useful?