Embeddable game scripting language implementation in C.
# libgsc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# gsc
cd ../examples
Usually these events or callbacks with function pointers get called from C, but this serves as an example.
game = {}; // optionally use a global variable set from within C with the API
// Coroutine instance will stop when this event happens.
game endon("game_ended");
// Coroutine will block until this event happens.
game waittill("game_started");
if(self.health <= 0) // Entity is dead
self.health -= dmg;
println("Health: " + self.health);
wait 0.5; // Wait half a second.
// [[ self.callbacks.dead ]](); // Alternative form of calling function pointer
println("Entity " + self.name + " is dead.");
// You could also create objects internally with the API
// Initialization
static int f_sethealth(gsc_Context *ctx)
int obj = gsc_get_object(ctx, -1);
YourInternalClass *e = reinterpret_cast<YourInternalClass*>(gsc_object_get_userdata(ctx, obj));
e->health = gsc_get_int(ctx, 0);
return 0;
int proxy = gsc_add_tagged_object(ctx, "Entity"); // Descriptive name which will show in debug contexts
int methods = gsc_add_object(ctx);
gsc_add_function(ctx, f_sethealth);
gsc_object_set_field(ctx, methods, "sethealth");
gsc_object_set_field(ctx, proxy, "__call"); // For field getter/setter use __set and __get
gsc_set_global(ctx, "#entity");
// Object creation
int ent = gsc_add_object(ctx);
int proxy = gsc_get_global(ctx, "#entity");
gsc_object_set_proxy(ctx, ent, proxy);
gsc_pop(ctx, 1);
e = {};
e.position = (1, 2, 3); // vec3 variable type
e.position += (0, 0, 10);
e.position *= 5;
e.name = "Test Entity";
e.health = 100;
e.callbacks = {};
e.callbacks.dead = ::callback; // Function pointer to callback function
dmg = 3;
e thread my_coroutine1(dmg);
wait 2; // Wait 2 seconds
println("[starting game]");
game notify("game_started"); // You can notify this through C aswell.
wait 5;
println("[ending game]");
game notify("game_ended");