Each Takoyaki is a unique, cute ERC-721 Octopus token, which is also an ENS name. It is meant as a fun and easy way to start your foray into ENS, which allows you to use a friendly name for your Ethereum address, rather than a long string of hexidecimal characters.
Takoyaki began was our ETHNewYork hackathon project.
We've since spruced it up a bit and are releasing it. :)
By far, the easiest way to interact with Takoyaki, is using our website, https://takoyaki.cafe.
The contract is deployed on Ropsten and will soon be deployed to Mainnet.
See: Takoyaki Contract
The API allows anyone to easily interact with the Registrar and ERC-721 token contract on the Ethereum network, as well as generate the traits from on-chain data and finally render (entirely on the client side) a give Takoyaki for a given set of traits.
See: Takoyaki NPM Library
The Metadata service is designed to be run on Heroku, and can be run locally or deployed to your own Heroku instance.
See: Takoyaki Metadata Service
This is still under constructions...
/home/ricmoo> takoyaki --help
takoyaki commit LABEL [ --salt SALT ] [ --owner ADDRESS ]
takoyaki reveal LABEL [ --salt SALT ] [ --owner ADDRESS ]
All code is released under the MIT license and all artwork under the Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 license.