Version 0.15 Alpha
- Default login credentials: username=admin password=jsonscada
- Chromium updated to 93.0.4577.82.
- Telegraf updated to 1.20.0.
- Grafana updated to 8.1.3.
- Possibility of multiple cs_data_processor instances.
- Possibility to direct mongo queries to secondary servers for various modules using environment variables.
- New tool to create backup scripts.
- Various fixes and enhancements for viewers.
- Fixed tags created by UI, protocol source addressing fields recorded as numeric type whenever possible.
- DotNet runtime updated to 5.0.10.
- Windows 10 64 bits or Server 2016, Windows PowerShell.
- Administrative rights. Corporative Windows policies may cause problems with the creation of services and the use of TCP ports.
- Free TCP ports 27017, 5432, 80, 8080, 3000, 9000. Other ports may be required for optional services and protocols.
- If the server already has MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Grafana, Nginx or another webserver, please uninstall, disable or watch out for possible conflicts.
- Do not update previously installed JSON-SCADA. Please uninstall previous JSON-SCADA versions before installing a new version.