A wrapper to work with the Spotify Web API.
This library depends on fetch to make requests to the Spotify Web API. For environments that don't support fetch, you'll need to provide a polyfill to browser or polyfill to Node.
$ npm install spotify-wrapper --save
// to import a specific method
import { method } from 'spotify-wrapper';
// to import everything
import * as spotifyWrapper from 'spotify-wrapper';
var spotifyWrapper = require('spotify-wrapper');
<!-- to import non-minified version -->
<script src="spotify-wrapper.umd.js"></script>
<!-- to import minified version -->
<script src="spotify-wrapper.umd.min.js"></script>
After that the library will be available to the Global as spotifyWrapper
. Follow an example:
const albums = spotifyWrapper.searchAlbums('Choosen Artist');
Follow the methods that the library provides.
Search for informations about artists, albums, tracks or playlists. Test in Spotify Web Console.
Argument | Type | Options |
query |
string | 'Any search query' |
type |
Array of strings | ['artist', 'album', 'track', 'playlist'] |
search('Incubus', ['artist', 'album'])
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for informations about Albums with provided query. Test in Spotify Web Console with type defined as album.
Argument | Type | Options |
query |
string | 'Any search query' |
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for informations about Artists with provided query. Test in Spotify Web Console with type defined as artist.
Argument | Type | Options |
query |
string | 'Any search query' |
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for informations about Tracks with provided query. Test in Spotify Web Console with type defined as track.
Argument | Type | Options |
query |
string | 'Any search query' |
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for informations about Playlist with provided query. Test in Spotify Web Console with type defined as playlist.
Argument | Type | Options |
query |
string | 'Any search query' |
searchPlaylists('Happy Day')
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for informations about a specific Album with provided id. Test in Spotify Web Console.
Argument | Type | Options |
id |
string | 'Specific id' |
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for informations about some Albums with all id's. Test in Spotify Web Console.
Argument | Type | Options |
ids |
Array of strings | ['id1', 'id2'] |
getAlbum(['4aawyAB9vmqN3uQ7FjRGTy', '1A2GTWGtFfWp7KSQTwWOyo'])
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
Search for all tracks in a specific Album with provided id. Test in Spotify Web Console.
Argument | Type | Options |
id |
string | 'Specific id' |
.then(data => {
// do what you want with the data
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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details