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#"Getting and Cleaning Data" project

This file explains the functioning of the analysis performed by the script run_analysis.R. The raw data for the project can be obtained here:

This data is related with multiple measurements taken with a Samsung Galaxy S smartphone, in the context of a study on wearable devices. A full description can be found here:

The main steps of the script are the following (I suggest to read the code run_analysis.R side-to-side with this text):

  1. Prerequisites:

    • The raw data must be loaded in the working directory in a folder called raw_data
    • The library dplyr must be installed
  2. First the training and test sets are merged. Specifically the script creates 3 tables called merged.subject, merged.label and merged.set, in which the data corresponding to the subject id, the activity label and the features being measured from the training and test sets are combined. This 3 tables will be merged later on in a single object.

  3. The raw names of all the features are stored in a table called features. Those containing the strings mean() or std() are identified and used to affect a new value to merged.set in which only the features containing these string are taken into account. Note: It is my understanding that this is what it was asked. In particular, I'm ignoring some features containing the string "mean", such us "fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-X".

  4. Raw activity names are taken from the file activity_labels.txt. They are formatted following my personal taste and used to create a data frame called merged.activity. This object plays the same role as merged.label (identifying the activity being recorded) but in a human-readable manner.

  5. The goal of this step is to combine all the data (subjects + activities + features) in a unique tidy object called Before doing so we need to assign descriptive names to the variables. The names corresponding to the subjects and the activities are straightforward. The names concerning the features need
    more processing in my view. I use the function gsub to obtain more readable names for the features and I adopt the period.separation convention (see The particular transformations that I apply are motivated by the description of the features that were provided in the raw file "features_info.txt". Once all the variable names have been assigned, we create the object containing all the tidy information.

  6. We use the powerful library dplyr to easily summarize the information contained in as requested. Concretely, for each combination subject-activity we compute the mean of each variable and we store it in the object summary. Finally this object is exported to the file data_summary.txt.


Project for the course "Getting and Cleaning Data" from Coursera






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