A collection of slackware goodies
Slackbuild for virtualbox 7.1.4 tested on slackware current. (with 6.12.3 testing or stock
- Seems there is a need to uninstall older versions before installing
Dependancies: acpica, virtualbox-kernel (both available at slackbuilds.org)
The SlackBuilds here are just modified versions from slackbuilds.org
To download the need source files run this: (in each folder)
I use :
HARDENING=yes ./virtualbox.SlackBuild
KERNEL=6.12.3 HARDENING=yes ./virtualbox-kernel.SlackBuild
add this to bootloader options (elilo, grub, or refined):
append="root=PARTUUID=xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx kvm.enable_virt_at_load=0 vga=normal ro"
options "ro root=PARTUUID=xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx kvm.enable_virt_at_load=0"
or (found on linuxquestions) Just create /etc/modprobe.d/virtualbox.conf with content:
options kvm enable_virt_at_load=0