cd projects/ziti-console
npm install
node server.js
from project root:
node server.js
There are two elements to the Angular app -
- the NPM library referenced in package.json as "open-ziti-console-lib": "file:dist/open-ziti-console-lib". The NPM library includes vanilla javascript code it shared with ziti-console, and generic Angular code it shares with other apps.
- A sample angular application in app-open-ziti.
cd projects/open-ziti-console-lib
ng build --watch
cd ../..
ng serve open-ziti --ssl
This ensures changes made to the NPM library get pulled into the Angular app you are developing
In the interim, the open-ziti is a hybrid app, in that it runs the old ZAC code and tranisitoned angular components. This requires some duplication - for instance in running both the legacy settings and the open-ziti settings.