Easily log in and switch between Steam accounts.
- 1-click Steam logins for multiple accounts.
- 2FA Support.
- Auto login a selected or the most recently used account.
- Encrypts saved user password.
- Adjust number of accounts per row.
- Import/Export accounts.
- Start with windows.
- Start minimized.
- Minimize to tray.
- Data password protection.
Latest version:
- Password protect application and data file.
- Encrypts entire data file.
- Fix properly minimizing to system tray if setting enabled.
- Fix Steam Guard window detection in different languages using the em dash '—' instead of standard hyphen.
- Crash fixes.
- Steam Guard login fixes.
- Additional Language support.
- Auto-login fixes when used with the Start With Windows option.
- Fix config.vdf parse path.
- Alias input to display instead of username.
- Tray right click options and logging in.
- Drag window while dragging background.
- Login freeze fixes.
- Multi-select accounts for export through the file drop down menu.
- Can also export individual account through the context menu.
- Focus the 2FA window for every key press.
- Auto Steam path button in Settings, which will try to find the installed Steam path from the registry or installed directory for portable users.
- Utilize the Steam Web Api and parsing the Steam config.vdf with Gameloop.vdf to try to automatically find profile information.
- Auto login and SAMSettings.ini fixes.
- Bundle new Updater.exe
- Better handle waiting for the 2FA Steam Guard window when logging in.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a crash if an old account did not have the new 2FA field, which all accounts with the previous update did not have.
- 2FA Support thanks to gmmanonymus111
- Your 'Shared Secret' can be found in your decrypted .maFile generated from SteamDesktopAuthenticator
- SAM will encrypt your 'Shared Secret' before saving it for future use like your password.
- Update some NuGet Packages.
- Much better handling of profile image scrape.
- No longer relies on image source pattern.
- Reload all images from edit drop down.
- Change Steam file path in settings.
- Fixed file export bug.
- Import and Export have been moved to the 'File' dropdown.
- Sort accounts alphabetically through the 'Edit' dropdown.
- Import/Export accounts data file in settings.
- Start minimized setting.
- Auto-Login now only triggers if Steam is not already open.
- Account buttons now change opacity when clicked.
- Redesign settings window.
- Fixed a bug that would not let emails be entered into the 'Name' field.
- Automatic login on program startup.
- Most recently used account via settings menu.
- Pre-selected account via new account/edit menu.
- Enable minimize.
- Do not display tooltip if description is empty/blank.
- Fixed saving and loading steam path.
- Start with windows setting.
- Optional description profile entry.
- Confirmation window when deleting entries.
- Window resize animations
- Fix settings window to be less annoying
- 1.0 release (completely usable with all origionally planned features)
- Edit entry
- Bug fixes
- Bundle new autoupdater
- Fix window refresh bugs
- Lighten background color
- Display version number in help menu or if there is an update
- Finally fixed obnoxious button glow effect.
- Fixed all spacing weirdness/issues.
- Display steam avatar on button if user inputs a profile url.
- Password entry masking.
- Switched to type List instead of HashTable to store information.
- Old info.dat will be deleted
- Right click on any account for an option to delete it.
- File menu.
- Settings window.
- New row after user specified amount of accounts in settings. Defaults to 5.
- Release