Written by Reuben Avery [email protected]
- Drupal 7
- MasterPageService 3
- Download this module and place in your sites/all/modules directory.
- If you don't already have them, this module depends on the token module, and entity_token module is highly recommended.
- Enable via Drupal.
- Navigate to admin/config/services/mps to configure the mappings. Use tokens!
- Configure placement of MasterPageService adunit and component blocks in admin/structure/blocks, in admin/structure/panels, or however your site is setup.
There are two hook implementations you may use to extend and tweak this module's behavior:
function hook_mps_request_alter(&$request, $mps) {
// Add the following value to the MasterPageService request URL:
$request['data']['foo'] = 'bar';
function hook_mps_response_alter(&$response, $mps) {
// Remove metadata items from response as these are
// handled by the meta module: