like Array.some but for your async functions. Requires node 8 or higher as it uses async functions without a shim.
somePromises([Array], async function) // returns a promise, either True or False will be returned
This timer function has a 50% chance of resolving true. The data will be operated on in series until the end of the array is reached or a single item resolves as true.
import somePromises from 'some-promises';
const timer = time => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(Math.random() > 0.5);
}, time);
const defaultF = async () => {
console.time('some promises');
const someVal = await somePromises([100, 200, 0, 1000], timer);
console.timeEnd('some promises');
console.log(`done: ${someVal}`);