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Responsible Computing & Sustainable ICT deadlines countdown

Based on sec-deadlines by Clement Fung and Bogdan Kulynych.

Based on ai-deadlines by @abshkdz

Adding/updating a conference

  • Read the data format description below. Note that the timezone format sign is inverted (e.g., UTC+7 is written as Etc/GMT-7). It's not a bug. I hate this format too. I'd be happy to move to a different timezone JavaScript library that uses a friendlier format, but I don't have time for that.
  • Update _data/conferences.yml. You can do that on Github or locally after forking the repo.
  • Send a pull request

Conference entry record

Example record:

- name: LIMITS
  year: 2022
  date: "June 21 – 22"
  description: "Workshop on Computing within Limits"
    - "2022-04-01 23:59"
  place: Online
  tags: [HARD, SOFT, ETPO, SHOP]

Descriptions of the fields:

Field name Description
name* Short conference name, without year
year* Year the conference is happening
description Description, or long name
link* URL to the conference home page
deadline* A list of deadlines. (Gory details below)
timezone Timezone in tz format. By default is UTC-12 (AoE)
date When the conference is happening
place Where the conference is happening
tags One or multiple tags: See below.

Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.


  • Hardware & Electronics: HARD
  • Software: SOFT
  • Human Factors: HUCO
  • Ethics & Policy: ETPO
  • Conference: CONF
  • Workshop: SHOP
  • Journal: JOUR

Deadline format

The deadline field can contain:

  1. The simplest option: a date and time in ISO format. Example: ["2017-08-19 23:59"] (Note that you need to wrap even a single deadline in a list).
  2. If a deadline is rolling, you can use a template date, just substitute the year with %y and the year before the conference with %Y. Example: ["%y-01-15 23:59"] means there is a deadline on the 15th January in the same year as the conference.
  3. A list of (1) or (2). Example of two rolling deadlines, with one in the end of October in the year prior to the conference year, and the second in the end of February in the same year as the conference:
- "%Y-10-31 23:59"
- "%y-02-28 23:59"

On the page, all deadlines are displayed in viewer's local time (that's a feature).

Note: If the deadline hour is {h}:00, it will be automatically translated into {h-1}:59:59 to avoid pain and confusion when it happens to be midnight in local time.


The timezone is specified in tz format. Unlike abbreviations (e.g. EST), these are un-ambiguous. Here are tz codes for some common timezones:

Common name tz
America Pacific Time America/Los_Angeles
Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8) Etc/GMT+8 (Yes, the sign is inverted for some weird reason)
America Eastern Time America/New_York
Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) Etc/GMT+5
American Samoa Time (UTC-11) Pacific/Samoa or Etc/GMT+11. This timezone does not use DST.
Aleutian Islands America/Adak

Running locally

The site is hosted using GitHub Pages and build with jekyll

If you want to see your changes locally before committing them you can install jekyll locally or you can use docker to do everything for you:

docker run --rm \
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  jekyll/jekyll \
  sh -c "bundle config set path '/usr/local/bundle' && bundle install && jekyll serve"

This will host the page on for you to check. This will also allow live edits, so you don't need to restart the server after edit. It will also create a new volume to cache the bundler gems. You can either remove the line --volume="jekyll_bundler_cache:/usr/local/bundle" \ or docker volume rm jekyll_bundler_cache will also clean everything up.


Deadlines of responsible computing venues and journals.






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