This meetup group is dedicated to avatar interoperability R&D. We experiment with interoperable file formats, wearables, and animation systems between game engines and virtual worlds. While testing we also aim to provide useful feedback to other open metaverse standards working groups, such as the Metaverse Standards Forum, OMI scripting group and the OMI glTF-extensions group.
📆 View the monthly M3 calendar.
We meet weekly on Tuesdays at 8pm EST starting in the M3 discord. You can add this event to your calendar here or by using this calendar URL:
- Monday: Virtual production writer's room
- Tuesay: OMI Scripting + Avatar Interop Meetup
- Wednesday: Metaverse Standards Forum + OMI group community call
- Thursday: Loot Town Square + MetaFactory community call
- Friday: Neon Buidl
- Satuday: Clear
- M3taloot (3D loot wearables):
- Open source avatar builders:
- CloneX Experiments:
See full list of past events here:
- 22-02-08 Avatar Interop meetup 1
- 22-02-15 Avatar Interop meetup 2
- 22-03-08 Avatar Interop meetup 3
- 22-03-15 Avatar Interop meetup 4
- Videos: M3-org#8 (comment)
- 22-03-22 Avatar Interop meetup 5
- 22-04-07 M3 x Metaverse Crew event
- 22-04-08 Demo Day 1 w/ Sith, Jin, A
- 22-04-22 Demo Day 2 w/ M2, Jin, Robert
- Jins Slides
- Robert presenting Third Room:
- 22-04-21 - 22-05-28 MF VR Fashion Shoots
- M3 grant for interoperable avatars + wearables and metaverse fashion shoots
- 22-07-19 Loot: Emergent Artwork @ M3 Avatar Interop Group
- 22-08-02 Avatar randomizer update + Interactive wearable overlay apps
- 22-08-09 Avatar Interop Group Weekly
- 22-08-16 VRM avatar workshop by jin
- 22-08-22 Avatar Interop meetup 8-22
- 22-08-30 Field trip into Hyperfy w/ VRMs
How do I join M3?
I recommend reading this and starting with this guide:
Can I present a project?
Yes, feel free to hop on the discord and talk about it first though. Out of courtesy, it's recommended to attend atleast 1 meetup before being a presentor if you're a guest.
When is the next event?
We have a weekly public event on Tuesdays 1pm EST where we discuss and show n' tell avatar interop projects. Occasionally we also host demo day events when there are atleast 3 demos to share.
Where can I learn more?
Read up on areas of research we've covered and are currently exploring. Dev logs contain ongoing documentation so expect some rough edges.
- - tons of general info about avatar interop and VRM, #1 result on google for "avatar interoperability"
- - ways to optimize custom avatars to increase performance and CCU
- - notes on interoperable wearables systems
- - notes on interoperable animation / mocap between game engines and platforms
- - notes on avatar builder programs we're building and ones that exist
Excellent tutorials:
Where to get avatars?
Learn the basics of making your own custom avatar from this workshop by jin, some more links to check out:
Can you help me bring my art to life in 3D?
Possibly, if you're looking for help to make 3D avatars, pets, or vehicles ping jin#6455
in the Discord.