Remote measurement of multiple soil variables like moisture and temperature to optimize irrigation
ToDo List (CentralStation):
- Microcontroller communication via serial with Node-Red Server (Localhost PC)
- Send request to NodeStation via SIM900
- Send request to NodeStation via LoRa RFM9x
- Detection of response (with sensors data) from NodeStation
- Parsing and plotting of data received from NodeStationdata
- Implement Node-Red Server in Raspberry Pi
- Interface SIM900/LoRa RFM9x Modules with Raspberry Pi Server to avoid using a Microcontroller
ToDo List (NodeStation):
- Detection of request from CentralStation
- Parsing data from the request
- Temperature measurement using DS18B20 sensor
- Soil measurement using Watermark 200SS sensor
- Automatic response using SIM900 Module
- Integrate temperature and soil moisture measures to the response
- Automatic response using LoRa RFM9x
- Automatic sensing and data sending without request from CentralStation
- Watermark 200ss and DS18B20 Calibration