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Richard DeSilvey edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Laravel-React-Template wiki!

For future reference

This app uses ReactJS as a front-end technology and uses the Flux design pattern for managing components, actions, and routes. The backend is the LAMP stack.

Steps for setup

  1. npm install
  2. composer install (or composer update)
  3. create the .env file and update each variable as needed
  4. php artisian key:generate
  5. php artisian migrate --seed

Design Choice

Even though Blade is a great template engine, it is difficult to use in single page web applications and can break the UX for users. Instead, this template uses the bare minimum of Blade to serve what is needed to the front end. ReactJS takes care of everything else and even allows multiple modules for ReachJS.

The front end is written in the directory resources/assets/js/

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