" calmversation is a model for learning that bridges the gap for understanding. It creates a dynamic social, emotional learning environment and facilitates communication between two people, whether it is teacher and student, employer and employee, or vendor and client. " - Calmversation.com
This website was designed by RED Academy UX / UI team and brought to life by the Web developers of RED Academy.
Install dependencies:
> npm i
Run locally with Gulp:
> npx gulp
flickity Carousel:
> npm install flickity
- css
- javascript
- jquery
- flickity
- sass
- wordpress
- post types
- custom field types
- plugins
##Contributing Links
- https://www.gravityforms.com
- https://flickity.metafizzy.co
- https://fontawesome.com/?from=io
- https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_action
UX/UI Design Team:
- John Kwan
- Jocelyn Cho
- Winnie Dai
- Timothy Chan
Web Developers:
- Jennifer Yiu
- Nikki Wu
- Victor Guo
- Felix Xu