This is a simple RestAPI application used to create a Sub/Pub system.
Users can register to topics and they receive all the messages sent to them.
A message get delivered to a client when the client explicitly checks for new messages.
Every time a client checks for a new message just a new message is delivered, if
there are N message in order to get all the messages the user needs
to check N times for consuming all the messages.
If a message is sent to a topic but there are no subscribers the message get
A client gets the messages which are published after his registration.
Messages survive to a server restart and they get deleted once all the
subscribers have consumed them.
A topic is created in two ways:
- A user subscribe to the topic, if the topic doesn't exist it will be created.
- A message is sent to a topic, please note that in this case if the topic doesn't exist it will be created but the message will get lost as there won't be any subscribers
If a user tries to get messages from a topic when he has not a valid subscription the application will return an error code.
This version of the code is based on RabbitMQ server as backend.
The code has been tested with RabbitMQ 3.4.3.
To install rabbitmq on a Debiain/Ubuntu box run:
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
The application is develped in python 2.7.
We recommend to use virtualenv to install and test apimes.
Below we report a step by step installation process, please note we consider
that the rabbitmq server is already installed on the machine.
- Creation of a virtual env using virtualevwrapper:
mkvirtualenv apimes
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Installation of the python code:
cd apimes
python install
- Run the API:
python apimes/
NOTE the application will run on a webserver which is not suitable for a production environment, it is good for testing the code. - Run the tests:
The tests include unit and functional tests, to get the functional tests working
rabbitmq server must run, please start it with
sudo service rabbtimq-server start
py.test apimes/