Looking for the org README? You should probably go here for general info and here for the crew
If you're on GitHub.com, it is on https://github.com/recaptime-dev/community but used primarily as organization-wide discussions.
We compile the places where to file tickets for different purposes, especially project specifics and stuff specific to internal operations of the organization.
Note: Remember that once you create a issue on either side (GitLab or sourcehut for open-source and public work + JetBrains Space for internal tracking on some), we'll automagically create on the other side for you, but in meanwhile, we'll handle that for you on per-issue basis.
We use this repo's issue tracker to track general organizational work that affects everything Recap Time Squad, ranging from how do we run and operate, our goverance policies, and more.
- If you prefer GitLab, sign in to
using your GitHub or GitLab SaaS account and go file a new issue. (Prefers email?Use the Service Desk addressApparently, we don't know why we can't receive issues via Service Desk in this instance. Please use the sourcehut todo way instead.)git.incoming+recaptime-dev-squad-issue-tracker-208-issue-@mau.dev
when sending one. - If you prefer sourcehut-styled issue trackers without JS bloat, submit one over https://todo.sr.ht/~recaptime-dev/squad-suggestion-box (or via email at
~recaptime-dev/[email protected]
We use Zulip for forums-styled community discussions, although GitHub Discussions are available on the following namespaces:
- Need access to things like the Internal Squad Wiki or even join our tailnet for work? Go to the Access Requests issue tracker.
- Moderation and Trust and Safety teams have using a seperate issue tracker for moderation-related issues (for senstive topics, please flag it as confidential)
TL;DR: Check the project's README and contributor's documentation for details about their issue tracker.