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Add OverlapSpace strategy, reskin UI, other things
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rec0de committed Feb 7, 2022
1 parent c55e9a8 commit de07c5b
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Showing 17 changed files with 465 additions and 120 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ class LocalSearch<Problem, Solution, Move>(private val strategy: LocalSearchStra
//Logger.log("Applied move: $bestNextStep for delta of $bestNextStepDelta")
solution = strategy.applyMove(solution, bestNextStep!!)
bestCost = strategy.scoreSolution(solution)
Logger.log("Best cost: $bestCost")
noImprovement = 0

Expand Down
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/commonMain/kotlin/binpack/BinPackProblem.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ class PlacedBox(w: Int, h: Int, val x: Int, val y: Int) : Box(w, h) {
return fragments

fun intersects(box: PlacedBox) = !((endX <= box.x) || (box.endX <= x) || (endY <= box.y) || (box.endY <= y))
fun outOfBounds(size: Int) = x < 0 || y < 0 || endX > size || endY > size
fun intersects(box: PlacedBox) = !((endX <= box.x) || (box.endX <= x) || (endY <= box.y) || (box.endY <= y))

fun intersection(box: PlacedBox) : Int {
val xOverlap = max(0, min(endX, box.endX) - max(x, box.x));
val yOverlap = max(0, min(endY, box.endY) - max(y, box.y));
return xOverlap * yOverlap
fun relativeOverlap(box: PlacedBox) = intersection(box).toDouble() / max(area, box.area)

19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions src/commonMain/kotlin/binpack/SpaceContainer.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,23 @@ open class SpaceContainer(

open fun remove(box: PlacedBox) {
open fun remove(box: PlacedBox, overlapPossible: Boolean = false) {
if(overlapPossible) {
val candidateSpaces = mutableListOf(box)
val newSpaces = mutableListOf<PlacedBox>()

while(candidateSpaces.isNotEmpty()) {
val space = candidateSpaces.removeAt(0)
val intersecting = boxes.firstOrNull { it.intersects(space) }
if(intersecting == null)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package binpack.configurations
import algorithms.greedy.GreedyPacker
import binpack.*
import binpack.greedy.*
import ui.UIState

abstract class GenericGreedyConfig : Algorithm() {
protected lateinit var packer: GreedyPacker<Box,Int,BinPackSolution>
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ package binpack.configurations
import algorithms.localsearch.LocalSearch
import binpack.*
import binpack.greedy.NormalPosCircTouchPacker
import binpack.localsearch.LSSMove
import binpack.localsearch.LocalSequenceStrategy
import binpack.localsearch.MSSMove
import binpack.localsearch.MaximalSpaceStrategy
import binpack.localsearch.*

object LocalSearchLocalSequence : Algorithm() {
override val name = "LocalSearch-LocalSequence"
Expand All @@ -26,9 +23,9 @@ object LocalSearchLocalSequence : Algorithm() {

object LocalSearchMaximalSpace : Algorithm() {
override val name = "LocalSearch-MaxSpace"
override val shortName = "LS MaxSpace"
object LocalSearchRepackSpace : Algorithm() {
override val name = "LocalSearch-RepackSpace"
override val shortName = "LS RepackSpace"
private lateinit var localsearch: LocalSearch<BinPackProblem, SpaceContainerSolution, MSSMove>

override fun optimize(): BinPackSolution {
Expand All @@ -40,6 +37,24 @@ object LocalSearchMaximalSpace : Algorithm() {

override fun init(instance: BinPackProblem) {
localsearch = LocalSearch(MaximalSpaceStrategy(), instance)
localsearch = LocalSearch(RepackSpaceStrategy(), instance)

object LocalSearchRelaxedSpace : Algorithm() {
override val name = "LocalSearch-RelaxedSpace"
override val shortName = "LS RelaxedSpace"
private lateinit var localsearch: LocalSearch<BinPackProblem, SpaceContainerSolution, MSSMove>

override fun optimize(): BinPackSolution {
return localsearch.optimize()

override fun optimizeStep(limit: Int): Pair<SpaceContainerSolution, Boolean> {
return localsearch.optimizeStep(limit)

override fun init(instance: BinPackProblem) {
localsearch = LocalSearch(OverlapSpaceStrategy(), instance)

This file was deleted.

248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions src/commonMain/kotlin/binpack/localsearch/OverlapSpaceStrategy.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
package binpack.localsearch

import Logger
import binpack.SpaceContainer
import binpack.SpaceContainerSolution
import kotlin.math.max

class OverlapSpaceStrategy : RepackSpaceStrategy() {
override val estimateFactor = 1.0
private var allowedOverlap = 1.0
private var overlapPenalty = 1.0
private var consecutivePlaceboMoves = 0
private var forceLateNeighborhood = false

override fun initialSolution(): SpaceContainerSolution {
// Place every box in its own container
val containers = instance.boxes.mapIndexed { i, box ->
val c = SpaceContainer(i, instance.containerSize)
c.add(box, c.spaces[0])
return SpaceContainerSolution(instance.containerSize, containers)

override fun perIterationSharedSetup(solution: SpaceContainerSolution) {
if(forceLateNeighborhood) {
repackEstimationAvailableSpaces = solution.containerObjs.flatMap { c -> { Pair(, it) } }

override fun neighboringSolutions(solution: SpaceContainerSolution): List<MSSMove> {
val containers = solution.containerObjs

// For fast progress early on, emulate the greedy algorithm, producing as few candidate moves as possible
// later on (once we have a halfway decent solution), produce more higher-effort moves
return if(!forceLateNeighborhood)

override fun earlyNeighborhood(containers: List<SpaceContainer>) : List<MSSMove> {
val cramMoves = mutableListOf<MSSMove>()

val target = containers.firstOrNull { it.hasAccessibleSpace }

target?.spaces?.forEachIndexed { si, space ->

val box = containers.subList(, containers.size).flatMap { c ->
c.boxes.mapIndexedNotNull { bi, b ->
val placed = optimalPlacement(b, space, target.size)
val condition = (placed == null) // || (allowedOverlap < 1.0 && c.boxes.any { it.relativeOverlap(placed) > allowedOverlap })
if(condition) null else Triple(, bi, placed!!)
}.maxByOrNull { space.relativeOverlap(it.third) }

if(box != null)
cramMoves.add(CramMove(box.first, box.second,, si))

return if(cramMoves.size == 0) {
forceLateNeighborhood = true
listOf(PlaceboMove) + cramMoves

override fun lateNeighborhood(containers: List<SpaceContainer>) : List<MSSMove> {
val baseMoves = mutableListOf<MSSMove>()
var cramMoves = mutableListOf<MSSMove>()
var localMoves = mutableListOf<MSSMove>()

// Ensure that local search never stops before all overlaps are removed
if(containers.any { c -> c.boxes.any{ b1 -> c.boxes.any{ b2 -> b1 != b2 && b1.intersects(b2) } } })

// In the worst case, we have to add overlapping boxes to a new container
val escapeMoves = containers.flatMap { c ->
c.boxes.mapIndexedNotNull { bi, box -> if(c.boxes.any { box != it && box.relativeOverlap(it) > allowedOverlap }) EscapeMove(, bi) else null }

val sourceCandidates = containers.filter { it.freeSpace.toDouble() / it.area > 0.1 }

sourceCandidates.forEach { container ->
val ci =
container.boxes.forEachIndexed { bi, box ->
// Generate local moves only for a subset of containers
if(ci % 5 == moveIndex % 5) {
container.spaces.indices.forEach { si ->
localMoves.add(LocalMove(ci, bi, si))

// Generate cross-container cram moves
/*(0 until ci).forEach { tci ->
containers[tci].spaces.forEachIndexed { si, space ->
if(box.area * allowedOverlap < space.area)
cramMoves.add(CramMove(ci, bi, tci, si))
// Generate cross-container repack moves
(0 until ci).forEach { tci ->
containers[tci].spaces.indices.forEach { si ->
cramMoves.add(RepackMove(ci, bi, tci, si))

//Logger.log("Move count: ${cramMoves.size} cram; ${localMoves.size} local; ${escapeMoves.size} escape;")

if(localMoves.size > moveBudget * 0.2) {
localMoves = localMoves.subList(0, (moveBudget * 0.2).toInt())

if(cramMoves.size > moveBudget - localMoves.size) {
cramMoves = cramMoves.subList(0, moveBudget - localMoves.size)

moveIndex += 1
return baseMoves + escapeMoves + localMoves + cramMoves

override fun deltaScoreMove(solution: SpaceContainerSolution, currentScore: Double, move: MSSMove): Double {
return when(move) {
is PlaceboMove -> -0.00001
is LocalMove -> super.deltaScoreMove(solution, currentScore, move)
is RepackMove -> super.deltaScoreMove(solution, currentScore, move)
is EscapeMove -> {
val source = solution.containerObjs[move.sourceContainer]
val box = source.boxes[move.sourceBox]
val newContainerCost = (source.area - box.area).toDouble() / (1 + solution.containerObjs.size)
val overlapCost = - source.boxes.sumOf { b -> if(box.relativeOverlap(b) > allowedOverlap && box != b) box.intersection(b) else 0 } * overlapPenalty

newContainerCost + overlapCost
is CramMove -> {
val source = solution.containerObjs[move.sourceContainer]
val target = solution.containerObjs[move.targetContainer]
val box = source.boxes[move.sourceBox]
val space = target.spaces[move.targetSpace]

val placed = optimalPlacement(box, space, target.size)

// box doesn't fit target space, like, _at all_
if(placed == null || target.boxes.any { placed.relativeOverlap(it) > allowedOverlap })
else {
val emptiesSource = source.boxes.size == 1
val overlap = target.boxes.sumOf { it.intersection(placed) }
val overlapCost = - source.boxes.sumOf { b -> if(box.relativeOverlap(b) > allowedOverlap && box != b) box.intersection(b) else 0 }

val targetCost = - max(1.0, (box.area.toDouble() - overlap))
val sourceCost = if(emptiesSource) box.area - source.area.toDouble() else if(move.targetContainer < move.sourceContainer) 0.0 else box.area.toDouble()

overlapCost * overlapPenalty + sourceCost / (move.sourceContainer + 1) + targetCost / (move.targetContainer + 1)
else -> 0.0

override fun applyMove(solution: SpaceContainerSolution, move: MSSMove): SpaceContainerSolution {
return when(move) {
is PlaceboMove -> {
// Accelerate overlap cost increase
consecutivePlaceboMoves += 1
overlapPenalty += 0.3 * consecutivePlaceboMoves
allowedOverlap = max(0.0, allowedOverlap - 0.007 * consecutivePlaceboMoves)
//Logger.log("Allowed overlap now $allowedOverlap ($consecutivePlaceboMoves consecutive)")
is RepackMove -> {
allowedOverlap = max(0.0, allowedOverlap - 0.001)
applyRepackMove(solution, move)
is LocalMove -> applyLocalMove(solution, move)
is CramMove -> applyCramMove(solution, move)
is EscapeMove -> applyEscapeMove(solution, move)
else -> throw Exception("Unknown or unsupported move $move")

private fun applyCramMove(solution: SpaceContainerSolution, move: CramMove): SpaceContainerSolution {
consecutivePlaceboMoves = 0
val source = solution.containerObjs[move.sourceContainer]
val target = solution.containerObjs[move.targetContainer]
val box = source.boxes[move.sourceBox]
val space = target.spaces[move.targetSpace]

val placed = optimalPlacement(box, space, target.size) ?: throw Exception("No valid placement for $box")

val newContainers = solution.containerObjs.toMutableList()

// Remove box from source
source.remove(box, overlapPossible = true)

// Place box and adjust spaces
target.spaces.filter { it.intersects(placed) }.forEach {


// Remove container if now empty
if(source.boxes.isEmpty()) {
newContainers.subList(move.sourceContainer, newContainers.size).forEach { container -> -= 1 }

return SpaceContainerSolution(solution.containerSize, newContainers)

private fun applyEscapeMove(solution: SpaceContainerSolution, move: EscapeMove): SpaceContainerSolution {
consecutivePlaceboMoves = 0
val source = solution.containerObjs[move.sourceContainer]
val box = source.boxes[move.sourceBox]

val newContainers = solution.containerObjs.toMutableList()
source.remove(box, overlapPossible = true)

// Try a shallow global repack first before creating a new container
if(!shallowGlobalRepack(newContainers, move.sourceContainer, listOf(box))) {
val target = SpaceContainer(solution.containerObjs.size, source.size)

return SpaceContainerSolution(solution.containerSize, newContainers)

override fun scoreSolution(solution: SpaceContainerSolution): Double {
return 0.0

object PlaceboMove : MSSMove {
override fun toString() = "PlaceboMove"
data class CramMove(val sourceContainer: Int, val sourceBox: Int, val targetContainer: Int, val targetSpace: Int) : MSSMove
data class EscapeMove(val sourceContainer: Int, val sourceBox: Int) : MSSMove

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