Run simulator with
python3 "disease"
Run game with
python3 "covid"
Dependency downloads:
pip3 install matplotlib && pip3 install pygame
Computer Programming, Dawson College, May 2020
Comprehensive Examination
For my final term project and comprehensive examination I made a covid simulator. Balls represent people and move in random directions at different speeds. If a susceptible ball touches an infected ball, it too becomes infected. After a certain amount of time the infected recovers and can no longer spread the virus (assumed immunity). There is also a game version where you control a susceptible ball in the simulation. Move with the mouse and try to avoid getting infected for as long as possible.
Works cited
Craven, Paul V. (2017) Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame. Retrieved from
Winther, Greg. Youtube.
Pygame Documentation. Retrieved from
Stevens, H. (2020, March 14). These simulations show how to flatten the coronavirus growth curve. Retrieved from