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Tomoyuki Sakurai edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 17 revisions


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Table of Contents

Fixing a bug or an issue in a role

Creating an issue in the repository that describe the bug if not already created

The title should describe the issue, not the expected result, for example, "the role does not support X", not "Support X". It should be what it should be, not what should be done. A bad example is, "Support platform X" and a good example is, "The role does not support platform X".

The comment body should describe:

  • the issue in detail
  • the expected result
  • a possible action to be taken
  • the version of role, ansible, and OS, when relevant
  • include the way to reproduce the issue, if any

Adding labels to the issue

Choose lables and add them to the issue. See the list of labels below and when to assign which.

Adding a milestone to the issue (optional)

If there is a planned milestone, such as the next release, consider assigning the issue to it.

Assigning the issue to a sysadmin (optional)

If you are going to fix the issue yourself, assign your account. If you do not know how to fix it or are unable to fix it, leave it empty

Triaging an issue

When an issue is created, decide what to do with it. If the issue cannot be fixed soon, add pending label to the issue and leave a comment on why. If the issue can be fixed, assign the issue to a sysadmin.

Unassigned issues are reviewed and discussed on weekly basis. See Weekly review.

Fixing an issue

When you are going to fix an issue, open the issue and assign yourself if nobody is assigned. If someone has been assigned to the issue, discuss with the assignee.

Preparing the branch

Merge the master branch into your local master branch. Before git pull make sure that the default action of pull is rebase.

git config --global pull.rebase true
git checkout master
git pull

Create a branch for the issue. The branch name should be "issue-$NUMBER". If the branch will include mutiple fixes for issues, create a discriptive branch name.

git checkout -b issue-$NUMBER

Fixing the issue

Fix the issue in your local repository. Make sure unit tests and integration tests, if any, pass on your local machine.

When all tests pass, push the branch.

git push --set-upstream origin issue-$NUMBER

Creating a pull request

After your branch is pushed to origin, create a pull request. The title should be either,

  • the issue number
  • the problem you have solved

The pull request comment should incude fixes #issue-$NUMBER when the pull request solves issues to automatically close the issue.

Make sure all the tests pass in github. Broken branch or untested branch must not be merged.

Close the pull request when all tests pass.

Closing an issue

An issue can be closed when:

  • The issue is resolved by a fix
  • The issue has a lebel, needs_feedback and no feedback has been provided by the reporter within a month
  • The issue is labled as invalid
  • The issue has not been resolved within extensive period longer than six months

An issue will be closed if a pull request refers to the issue.

Close issues when:

  • one of the above conditions is met
  • reviewing the issue at regular interval

Enhancing a role or adding new feature (WIP)

When enhancing a role, such as supporting other platforms, create an issue and label it with enhancement. To create an issue, see Creating an issue in the repository that describe the bug if not already created.

List of labels

Name Description Examples
bug Bugs, regressions, and something the role should do but does not Undocumented variables, broke build
duplicate The issue is a duplicate of other issues N/A
enhancement The issue enhances the role, such as adding supported platforms, implementing new feature Supporting new platform, adding new functionality
invalid The issue cannot be reproduced, it cannot be fixed, or it is not an issue of the role Issues caused by mis-configuration
risk treatment The issue is implied by risk treatment results, which must be implemented Issues mentioned in risk treatment plan
pending The issue cannot be resolved but will be The issue is blocked by some other issues
needs_feedback Waiting for feedback from the reporter More information is needed to resolve the issue

Weekly review

The purpose of Weeekly review is, updating the ticket status on a weekly basis and making sure that someone is assigned to as many issues as possible.

Action Description
Triaging issues Triaging issues by labeling them
Assigning issues to a participant Assign unassigned issues
Closing bugs Close issues that meet the closing criteria

Weekly review is held on Monday or the first work day of the week.

Bug Squashing day

Every month, a Bug Squashing day is held. The day is when all sysadmins review remaining issues and squash bugs. The purpose of Bug Squashing day is, tidying up issues, focusing on issues without being bothered by other regular tasks.

The issues focused on that day, chosen by the participants, may not necessarily be resolved on that day. The point is focusing on issues, resolving as many issues as possible, and moving projects forward.

The table below describes actions to be taken in a Bug Squashing day.

Action Description
Reviewing issues List all issues unassigned to anyone, assign the issues to someone, or label it with pending
Reporting progress Participants will report the progress of their assigned issues
Fixing bugs The participants decide one or more of issues to resolve by the end of that day and work on it

The participants are expected to update the tickets, leaving comments about progress, before the day so that everyone would shared the progress overview, and the "reporting progress" would be short.

Next Bug Squashing day will be announced in the closing.