Convert an audio file to an ascii file readable by the Natron2.0/Nuke curve editor (Linux version, but can be adapted for OSX or other Unix-like).
A plugin for Natron 2.0 can be installed
A Qt version (Linux + Windows) are currently being developed by olear
Sox: sudo apt-get install sox or sudo yum install sox.
For support more audio formats than 'wav': sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-all (debian).
Fedora: for mp3 support for sox you can read this
Yad: If you want a gui: sudo apt-get install yad ; sudo yum install yad
#Installation / Usage
$ wget
$ tar xvzf audio2ascii-1.6.1.tar.gz
$ cd audio2ascii-1.6.1
$ cp ./ /somewhere/in/your/path # must be in your $PATH
If you want start audio2ascii from Natron, you should run it with its gui (yad must be installed). To install the plugin and its icon:
$ # create the local Plugins directory if it doesn't exist
$ mkdir $HOME/.local/share/INRIA/Natron/Plugins
$ cp ./AudioToAscii.* $HOME/.local/share/INRIA/Natron/Plugins
If you want just add a menu command to the application’s menu-bar, add the following lines in your $HOME/.local/share/INRIA/Natron/Plugins/ (create if doesn't exist):
import os
def audioToAscii():
os.system(" -g &")
Some short videos released with the Natron 2 Snapshot Transform Node: