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RSong Proxy

This repository is archived in favor of rsong

A client facing REST layer to proxy RSong requests to RSongs Rholang contracts.

RSong is implemented as a combination of multiple microservices and their interactions. These microservices are:

  • rsong-acquisition
  • rsong-proxy
  • rosng-microbatch

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system



clone and build the project

git clone [email protected]:rchain/rsong-proxy.git
cd rsong-proxy
sbt compile

Running the project locally

To run the project locally:

  • set the environment variables
  • run the docker

Alternatively you may build and run the project from source code.

Environment variables

To run the project locally, configure your environment variables:

export LOCAL_GRPC='localhost'
export GCP_GRPC='dd.dd.dd.dd'
export AWS_GRPC='dd.dd.dd.dd'
export DOCKER_GRPC=''
export HTTP_PORT=9000
export PRD_K8=''
export DEV_K8=''
export LOCAL_K8='http://localhost'

You may consider using direnv to manage projects environment variables

Run the docker image

Circle CI build process publishes the rsong-proxy docker image to docker hub. To run the image:


Running the Source code

sbt clean compile run
## to create a local dokcer image
sbt clean compile docker:stage docker:publishLocal
docker images | grep 'rsong-proxy'

Running tests:

tests are:

  • unit tests
  • integration tests

Unit tests

sbt clean test

Integration tests

  • configure .envrc for both rsong-proxy and rsong-acquisition are configured for the same node instance
  • execute rsong-acquisition to migrate the song data to node
  • build rsong-proxy and run integration tests
Execute rsong-acquisition
cd ../rsong-acquisition
## make sure rsong-acquisition & rsong-proxy are using the same node
sbt clean compile universal:packageBin
cd target/universal && unzip ./rsong-acquisition-1.2-SNAPSHOT && cd rsong-acquisition-1.2-SNAPSHOT
Execute rsong-proxy integration tests

Integration tests are run by the python script
The scripts assumes requests is installed.

sbt clean compile run
## from a different terminal:
./scripts/ localhost:9000

url Inventory


## create a new user 
curl -X POST $host/v1/user/<user_id>

## retrieve  user  object
curl  $host/v1/user/<user_id>

## retrive a user's song
curl -v  GET $host/v1/song/song1?userId=123 | jq

##  retrive user's songs
curl -v  GET $host/v1/song\?userId=user123\&perPage=10\&page=1 | jq

for asset urls, see output from:

curl GET $host/v1/song/song1?userId=123 | jq

Built With


Runtime env

  • rnode
  • rsong-proxy


rnode is build from the latest rchain dev branch deployed to GCP. This is a single instance at this time.


rsong-proxy runs on kubernetes-cluster on GCP See deployment-prd-spec for more detail
