Obfuscate All JavaScript Files In One Click
Install The Package Using yarn Or npm
npm i @ravindu01manoj/obfuscator
## or
yarn add @ravindu01manoj/obfuscator
const { obfuscate, BEST_NODE_HIGH_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG } = require('@ravindu01manoj/obfuscator')
const Source_Folder = '/example/folder/'
const Store_Folder = '/example/obstore/'
const Bin_Path = '/example/.bin/' // its helps to ob only changed files
const Comment = {
top: 'Javascript Project Obfuscator \n Coded By Ravindu Manoj\n\nModified File : #filename#\nModified Date : #date#\nModified Time : #time#',
bottom: 'Powered By https://www.npmjs.com/package/@ravindu01manoj/obfuscator',
dont_set : false,
timeZone : 'Asia/Colombo', // Time Zone For #time# && #date#
deactive : false //set value as true to deactive comments
// keywords == #filename# && #date# && #time#
function obfuscateFolder() {
obfuscate(Source_Folder, Store_Folder, BEST_NODE_HIGH_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, Comment, Bin_Path)
console.log(Source_Folder + ' Folder Successful Obfuscated To ' + Store_Folder)
const {
} = require('@ravindu01manoj/obfuscator')
const config = {
compact: true,
controlFlowFlattening: true,
controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 0.75,
deadCodeInjection: true,
deadCodeInjectionThreshold: 0.4,
debugProtection: false,
debugProtectionInterval: 0,
disableConsoleOutput: false,
domainLock: [],
domainLockRedirectUrl: 'about:blank',
forceTransformStrings: [],
identifierNamesCache: null,
identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
identifiersDictionary: [],
identifiersPrefix: '',
ignoreRequireImports: false,
inputFileName: '',
log: false,
numbersToExpressions: true,
optionsPreset: 'default',
renameGlobals: false,
renameProperties: false,
renamePropertiesMode: 'safe',
reservedNames: [],
reservedStrings: [],
seed: 0,
selfDefending: false,
simplify: true,
sourceMap: false,
sourceMapBaseUrl: '',
sourceMapFileName: '',
sourceMapMode: 'separate',
sourceMapSourcesMode: 'sources-content',
splitStrings: true,
splitStringsChunkLength: 10,
stringArray: true,
stringArrayCallsTransform: true,
stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold: 0.5,
stringArrayEncoding: [],
stringArrayIndexesType: [
stringArrayIndexShift: true,
stringArrayRotate: true,
stringArrayShuffle: true,
stringArrayWrappersCount: 1,
stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,
stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 2,
stringArrayWrappersType: 'variable',
stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
target: 'node',
transformObjectKeys: true,
unicodeEscapeSequence: true