Releases: ranenbg/Arduino-FFB-gui
Wheel control with firmware v24X support
Changes from the previous release:
- added encoder type indicator to display which one is enabled in the firmware
- wheel buttons are automatically disabled (grayed out) if firmware doesn't support it (due to lack of available pins on Arduino)
- improved firmware info startup diagnostics
- rescaled FFB balance slider value (0=center value, -127 means 50% more pull on the left side, while 127 means 50% more pull on the right, this is purely visual while command functionality remains the same, see RSR232 commands info in repository for firmware for more details)
Wheel control with firmware v23x support
Changes from the previous release:
- added support for the new firmware version and its options (v230, option "x")
- added dropdown list for selecting which axis is tied to the FFB axis (allows analog axis for FFB, opt "x")
- added advanced H-shifter option buttons (X,Y-axis invert, reverse gear button invert, only from v230f)
- when other than X-axis are selected for FFB, the animated sprite wheel angle is updated according to the selected axis
- improved handling of firmware options readout
- improved handling of FFB monitor (if left running - auto stop on next startup)
- added more startup info in the bottom of the window (added complete firmware options readout)
- minor H-shifter graphical updates and fixes
- fixed a small bug where desktop user effects were not updated correctly at startup
- minor change of some button names and/or descriptions (shifter, pedal calibration, save, store)
- added displaying of Arduino HEX firmware version in window info
- improved handling of how a profile is stored (overwrite check added)
- axis max value gets updated according to the firmware features (default 1023, ads1015 4095, hx711 65535)
- FFB effect slider values now show 100% instead of 1.0%
Original rane's wheel rim and fw-v22X opt "e" support
This version is pimped up by an updated wheel rim and support for Arduino firmware v22X with option "e" - extra buttons.
Changes from the previous release:
- added new wheel rim (many thanks to Thomas Drexler aka Emanresu who modeled it)
- two styles of wheel rim available O-shape and D-shape (located in the data folder, some file renaming is required)
- added new firmware option "e" identification
- added graying out or inactivating clutch and handbrake axis calibration limits when fw option "e" is detected
Wheel control with encoder Z-index reset
This version is featuring encoder Z-index reset support, fix for the bar graph axis display and various other small fixes. In order to use a Z-index reset feature you need to upload the lattest HEX fw-v22x. This version is backward compatible with all HEX starting from fw-v170 and onward. Have a look at manual.txt in the data folder for more info on how to set up the encoder Z-index offset correctly.
Changes from the previous release:
- added encoder Z-index reset button
- fixed the direction of a bar graph for the X-axis
- the axis values are now matching the ones reported by DirectInput (DXtweak or DIview)
- various small cosmetic fixes
Wheel control with rcm pwm mode
This version is featuring rcm pwm mode support. In order to use it, you will have to uplad firmware that supports it - those are all HEX from fw-v21X and onward. Have a look at manual.txt in the data folder for more info on how to set up rcm mode correctly.
Changes from the previous release:
- rcm pwm mode added
- improvements in code for pwm modes selection
- gui firmware backward compatibility improvements
- improved text in window messages for 1st time run setup process
Wheel control with manual calibration and pwm0.50.100 mode
This version is featuring pedal axis manual calibration. In order to use it, you will have to upload HEX that supports it, which is currently fw-v200 with no "a" option. Have a look at manual.txt in the data folder for more info on how to set up the pedal calibration correctly.
Changes from the previous release:
- manual pedal axis calibration added
- pwm0.50.100 mode added
- small fixes and re-optimization of code for pedal axis bar graphs
- gui firmware backward compatibility issue fix
Wheel control with XY shifter support
This version is featuring an analog XY shifter support with up to 8 gears + reverse. In order to use it, you will have to upload HEX that supports shifter, which is currently fw-v190azf and fw-v190af only. Have a look at manual.txt in the data folder for more info on how to set up the shifter correctly.
Changes from the previous release:
- analog XY shifter representation added
- added 5 sliders and 2 buttons for configuring the shifter
- added button inactive feature to prevent pressing a button by accident that would cause a possible program fault
Wheel control for fw-v190 and up
This version of wheel control is meant to be used with Arduino firmware fw-v190 and onward. It is backward compatible with fw-v170 and fw-v180 but please note that even though the program allows it, you will not be able to set more than 32k CPR in Arduino.
Changes from the previous release:
- max allowed CPR value increased to 99999
- added description info for some buttons
Wheel control for fw-v170 and up
This version of wheel control supports Arduino FFB Wheel firmware from v170 and onward. This exe file has Java 64bit embedded inside and it should be able to run even with no Java installed, that is why the size is somewhat bigger. All problems with the program getting stuck with a white screen should be fixed. I also added some advanced diagnostics at the first-time run. New improvements include displaying a Hat Switch and Arduino response time after receiving serial commands. RS232 interface optimization and improvements are included.
Wheel control handbrake
This version supports all Arduino HEX firmware starting from v160 and onwards. Requires latest Java 8.
You can change the axis colors by editing the axisColor.txt file in the data folder, by manipulating the colors in HEX format.