To make changes to the website:
- Make a Github account if you don’t have one already
- Create a fork in the most recent version -
- Follow these instructions based on the changes needed (you should not need to change anything else about the website!)
- Board headshots, names, and emails
- Go to msa_website/images
- Delete the files of the previous board headshots
- Be sure to keep track of the name of the files as they are in the code!
- Add files of the new board headshots labelled “firstname-headshot.jpg”
- Replace the names of the files in the index.html file accordingly
There will be a section of code that looks like this and will repeat for each position of the board. Find the position you are looking for and replace the following in this order: file name, full name of person, position name, email address.
<!-- Slide --> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="card"> <img class="card-image" src="images/summer-headshot.jpg" alt="alternative"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="testimonial-author">Summer Shabana</div> <div class="testimonial-position">Co-President</div> <div class="testimonial-text">[email protected]</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of swiper-slide --> <!-- end of slide -->
- New Student Guide
- Go to msa_website/pdfs/
- Delete the file of the previous guide
- Add file of the new guide labelled “new_student_guide.pdf”
- Board headshots, names, and emails
- Publish requests by uploading the updated server to Rice server
Make sure you are connected to a Rice network or the VPN using this -
If you don’t already have access, email IT Help at [email protected] and ask to add your NetID to the Active Directory File Security Group to edit the Rice MSA website
Follow the steps in this link for your device:
When connecting to the server for Mac: smb:// Activities/Public/www/ (there is a space between Student and Activities)
When connecting to the server for PC:
\\Student Activities\Public\www[]( (there is a space between Student and Activities)
Check the website and redo process for any additional changes
Disconnect from server
- Commit changes using git and push to your fork.
- Send a pull request to merge with master branch.