ELAlertView support custom content views and appeanace for alert view.【ELAlertView 可以定制化弹框的外形和其内容.】
A good choice for alertView with image.【最关键的是可以放置图片.】
You can use it to replace UIAlertController/UIAlertView.【你可以使用它来代替系统的UIAlertController/UIAlertView.】
Support iOS7.【支持iOS7.】
This project is inspired by NYAlertViewController
Just download the zip and drag the ELAlertView directory into you Xcode project.【下载本项目,将项目中的ELAlertView文件拖到你的Xcode工程就OK了. 】
###CocoaPods pod 'ELAlertView', '~>1.0.0'
// Import the class
#import "ELAlertView.h"
// ...
// Create an instance
ELAlertView *alertView = [[ELAlertView alloc] initWithStyle:ELAlertViewStyleDefault];
// Set title and message if needed
alertView.title = @"title";
alertView.message = @"message";
// Custom your appearance
alertView.titleTopMargin = 17;
alertView.messageLeadingAndTrailingPadding = 20;
alertView.messageAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
alertView.messageHeight = 270;
alertView.alertViewBackgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
alertView.titleColor = [UIColor blueColor];
alertView.messageColor =[UIColor purpleColor];
alertView.buttonBottomMargin = 30;
// Add alert actions
ELAlertAction *action = [ELAlertAction actionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"ok", nil)
handler:^(ELAlertAction *action) {
[alertView addAction:action];
// Show the alertView
[alertView show];
This project is released under the MIT License.