Scripts to assist in playing FGU's Aftermath! on
In the chat window, invoke
!attr 15
and the bot will respond:
attribute value of 15: group 3, effect die 1d10, AST 7, CST 5
There is a commented-out line which you can uncomment if you want it to also roll the effect die and show the result.
In the chat window, invoke
!bdg 21
and the bot will respond:
bdg 21 = 3d10+2
There is a commented-out line which you can uncomment if you want it to also roll dice and show the result.
This roll checks if the roller is a GM, since due to cookoffs, only the GM should initially know the result. In the chat window, invoke
and the bot will whisper to the GM something like this:
(From Critical Miss Roll): rolled 25: Dud round. Autoloaders/autoweapons require 1 action to manually clear the round. Other types clear with the next round, no special action necessary.
You can create a nice hit location button for you and your players by creating a rollable table. Note that these are somewhat simplified - they don't take into account shooting from the side, shooting from above/below, etc.
When you click the button, hit location is rolled and shown in the chat window with an illustration:
Here are the steps:
- Load the two required dependency scripts:
In hit-location and hit-location-quad, you'll find commands that you copy/paste into your chat window (as GM) that will recreate the rollable tables (including the images).
Modify the table so that it can be used by players.
- Then create the following macro (this is the example for hit-location, hit-location-quad is the same):
Copy/pasteable text for hit-location:
!rt[showicons:true|iconlabel:on|iconscale:25.0em] [[ 1t[hit-location] ]]
for hit-location-quad:
!rt[showicons:true|iconlabel:on|iconscale:25.0em] [[ 1t[hit-location-quad] ]]