"Hey Siri, run Ironsworn Names"
"What kind of name?"
"Hey Siri, run Ironsworn Action Theme"
"Raid Risk"
"Hey Siri, run Ironsworn Settlement Trouble"
"Production halts"
"Hey Siri, run Ironsworn Challenge"
"What is the stat?"
"What are the adds?"
"Weak Hit."
ironsworn-handsfree is a set of iOS Shortcuts for all of the Ironsworn Oracles plus the Challenge roll. You can either run the Shortcuts manually or via Siri's voice control.
I'm preparing for an extended road trip and thought it would be fun to play some Ironsworn along the way. Of course, I can't roll dice, update character sheets, etc. while driving. But I realized I could convert the Oracles to Siri-driven Shortcuts and then use voice control to play in the car.
- None of the multiple-roll results (e.g., "roll twice") are modeled - they are simply excluded.
- Oracle 7, which is the more detailed Settlement Name Generator, is not included. However, the Ironsworn Names shortcut can generate Settlement Quick Names.
- I am not the world's greatest Shortcuts programmer, so some of this code is likely suboptimal.
- There are likely typos and bugs.
It may be possible to use Siri to keep and update stats. It can of course be done if you write a web app and use Shortcuts to interact with it, but also perhaps possible with something like Tally.
Note that you will need to go to Settings->Shortcuts and check "Allow Untusted Shortcuts" in order to import these shortcuts.
- includes Ironlander, Elf, Giant, Varou, Troll, Settlement Quick Names
- Oracles 8, 13, 14, 15
- https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/c9a89d1d29644a61a63b82d25f9019ff