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Define PERs and refactor assembly modules
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rahulc29 committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 4e956d4 commit 26be6f0
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Showing 9 changed files with 272 additions and 226 deletions.
59 changes: 43 additions & 16 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
Expand All @@ -11,32 +15,55 @@ module Realizability.Assembly.Base {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra
record Assembly (X : Type ℓ) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
infix 25 _⊩_
isSetX : isSet X
_⊩_ : A X Type ℓ
isSetX : isSet X
⊩isPropValued : a x isProp (a ⊩ x)
⊩surjective : x ∃[ a ∈ A ] a ⊩ x

open Assembly public
_⊩[_]_ : {X : Type ℓ} A Assembly X X Type ℓ
a ⊩[ A ] x = A ._⊩_ a x

AssemblyΣ : Type ℓ Type _
AssemblyΣ X =
Σ[ isSetX ∈ isSet X ]
Σ[ _⊩_ ∈ (A X hProp ℓ) ]
( x ∃[ a ∈ A ] ⟨ a ⊩ x ⟩)

AssemblyΣX→isSetX : X AssemblyΣ X isSet X
AssemblyΣX→isSetX X (isSetX , _ , _) = isSetX

AssemblyΣX→⊩ : X AssemblyΣ X (A X hProp ℓ)
AssemblyΣX→⊩ X (_ , ⊩ , _) =

AssemblyΣX→⊩surjective : X (asm : AssemblyΣ X) ( x ∃[ a ∈ A ] ⟨ AssemblyΣX→⊩ X asm a x ⟩)
AssemblyΣX→⊩surjective X (_ , _ , ⊩surjective) = ⊩surjective
( x ∃[ a ∈ A ] ⟨ a ⊩ x ⟩) ×
(isSet X)

isSetAssemblyΣ : X isSet (AssemblyΣ X)
isSetAssemblyΣ X = isSetΣ (isProp→isSet isPropIsSet) λ isSetX isSetΣ (isSetΠ (λ a isSetΠ λ x isSetHProp)) λ _⊩_ isSetΠ λ x isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc
isSetAssemblyΣ X = isSetΣ (isSetΠ2 λ _ _ isSetHProp) (λ rel isSet× (isSetΠ λ x isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc) (isProp→isSet isPropIsSet))

unquoteDecl AssemblyIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ AssemblyIsoΣ (quote Assembly)
AssemblyΣ≡Equiv : X (a b : AssemblyΣ X) (a ≡ b) ≃ ( r x ⟨ a .fst r x ⟩ ≃ ⟨ b .fst r x ⟩)
AssemblyΣ≡Equiv X a b =
a ≡ b
≃⟨ invEquiv (Σ≡PropEquiv (λ rel isProp× (isPropΠ λ x isPropPropTrunc) isPropIsSet) {u = a} {v = b}) ⟩
a .fst ≡ b .fst
≃⟨ invEquiv (funExt₂Equiv {f = a .fst} {g = b .fst}) ⟩
( (r : A) (x : X) a .fst r x ≡ b .fst r x)
(λ r
λ x
(invEquiv (Σ≡PropEquiv (λ _ isPropIsProp) {u = a .fst r x} {v = b .fst r x}))
(univalence {A = a .fst r x .fst} {B = b .fst r x .fst}))
( (r : A) (x : X) ⟨ a .fst r x ⟩ ≃ ⟨ b .fst r x ⟩)

open Assembly public
-- definitional isomorphism
AssemblyΣIsoAssembly : X Iso (AssemblyΣ X) (Assembly X)
_⊩_ ( (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) (rel , surj , isSetX)) a x = ⟨ rel a x ⟩
Assembly.isSetX ( (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) (rel , surj , isSetX)) = isSetX
⊩isPropValued ( (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) (rel , surj , isSetX)) a x = str (rel a x)
⊩surjective ( (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) (rel , surj , isSetX)) x = surj x
Iso.inv (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) asm = (λ a x (a ⊩[ asm ] x) , (asm .⊩isPropValued a x)) , (λ x asm .⊩surjective x) , asm .isSetX
Iso.rightInv (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) asm = refl
Iso.leftInv (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X) (rel , surj , isSetX) = refl

AssemblyΣ≃Assembly : X AssemblyΣ X ≃ Assembly X
AssemblyΣ≃Assembly X = isoToEquiv (AssemblyΣIsoAssembly X)

isSetAssembly : X isSet (Assembly X)
isSetAssembly X = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 2 (AssemblyΣ≃Assembly X) (isSetAssemblyΣ X)
21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly/BinCoproducts.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Vec hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.BinCoproduct
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure renaming (λ*-chain to `λ*; λ*-naturality to `λ*ComputationRule) hiding (λ*)
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure

module Realizability.Assembly.BinCoproducts {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where

Expand All @@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a)
open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca

λ* = `λ* as fefermanStructure
λ*ComputationRule = `λ*ComputationRule as fefermanStructure

infixl 23 _⊕_
_⊕_ : {A B : Type ℓ} Assembly A Assembly B Assembly (A ⊎ B)
(as ⊕ bs) .isSetX = isSet⊎ (as .isSetX) (bs .isSetX)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,12 +58,13 @@ _⊕_ : {A B : Type ℓ} → Assembly A → Assembly B → Assembly (A ⊎ B)
[ f , g ] .map (inr y) = g .map y
[_,_] {asmZ = asmZ} f g .tracker =
-- these are not considered structurally smaller since these are in the propositional truncation
(f~ , f~tracks) f .tracker
(g~ , g~tracks) g .tracker
-- if (pr₁ r) then f (pr₂ r) else g (pr₂ r)
tracker : Term as (suc zero)
tracker = ` Id ̇ (` pr₁ ̇ (# fzero)) ̇ (` f~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ (# fzero))) ̇ (` g~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ (# fzero)))
tracker = ` Id ̇ (` pr₁ ̇ (# zero)) ̇ (` f~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ (# zero))) ̇ (` g~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ (# zero)))
(λ* tracker ,
λ { (inl x) r r⊩inl
Expand All @@ -79,7 +77,7 @@ _⊕_ : {A B : Type ℓ} → Assembly A → Assembly B → Assembly (A ⊎ B)
(λ r asmZ ._⊩_ r ([ f , g ] .map (inl x)))
(λ* tracker ⨾ r
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker (r ∷ [])
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker r
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (f~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (g~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))
≡⟨ cong (λ r Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (f~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (g~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))) r≡pair⨾true⨾rₓ ⟩
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ rₓ)) ⨾ (f~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ rₓ))) ⨾ (g~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ rₓ)))
Expand All @@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ _⊕_ : {A B : Type ℓ} → Assembly A → Assembly B → Assembly (A ⊎ B)
(λ r asmZ ._⊩_ r ([ f , g ] .map (inr y)))
((λ* tracker ⨾ r
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker (r ∷ [])
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker r
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (f~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (g~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))
≡⟨ cong (λ r Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (f~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (g~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))) r≡pair⨾false⨾yᵣ ⟩
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ yᵣ)) ⨾ (f~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ yᵣ))) ⨾ (g~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ yᵣ)))
Expand All @@ -126,6 +124,7 @@ BinCoproductsASM (X , asmX) (Y , asmY) .univProp {Z , asmZ} f g =
(λ ! isProp× (isSetAssemblyMorphism _ _ _ _) (isSetAssemblyMorphism _ _ _ _))
λ ! (κ₁⊚!≡f , κ₂⊚!≡g) AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ (funExt λ { (inl x) i κ₁⊚!≡f (~ i) .map x ; (inr y) i κ₂⊚!≡g (~ i) .map y })

-- I have no idea why I did these since this can be derived from the universal property of the coproduct anyway?
module _
{X Y : Type ℓ}
(asmX : Assembly X)
Expand All @@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ module _
tracker : Term as 1
tracker = ` Id ̇ (` pr₁ ̇ # fzero) ̇ (` pair ̇ ` false ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ # fzero)) ̇ (` pair ̇ ` true ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ # fzero))
tracker = ` Id ̇ (` pr₁ ̇ # zero) ̇ (` pair ̇ ` false ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ # zero)) ̇ (` pair ̇ ` true ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ # zero))
((λ* tracker) ,
(λ { (inl x) r r⊩inl
Expand All @@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ module _
λ*trackerEq : λ* tracker ⨾ r ≡ pair ⨾ false ⨾ rₓ
λ*trackerEq =
λ* tracker ⨾ r
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker (r ∷ [])
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker r
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))
≡⟨ cong (λ r Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))) r≡pair⨾true⨾rₓ ⟩
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ rₓ)) ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ rₓ))) ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ rₓ)))
Expand All @@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ module _
λ*trackerEq : λ* tracker ⨾ r ≡ pair ⨾ true ⨾ yᵣ
λ*trackerEq =
λ* tracker ⨾ r
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker (r ∷ [])
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule tracker r
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))
≡⟨ cong (λ r Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ r) ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r)) ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ r))) r≡pair⨾false⨾yᵣ ⟩
Id ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ yᵣ)) ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ yᵣ))) ⨾ (pair ⨾ true ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ false ⨾ yᵣ)))
Expand Down

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