An easy way to test your VPN by getting your current location without leaving Neovim.
cmd = "Whereami"
-- Lazy loading on specific command
cond = {
cmd {'Whereami'}
packer (deprecated):
use 'ragnarok22/whereami.nvim'
and then execute :PackerUpdate
Usage with nvim-notify
You only need to install nvim-notify and set the notify:
vim.notify = require("notify")
Here an example of installation using lazy:
cmd = "Whereami",
dependencies = {
config = function()
vim.notify = require("notify")
You can use the command or the API
Just type the command :Whereami
and you will see the country you are.
You can also provide and argument:
:Whereami country
: Show the country location where you request was originated from.:Whereami city
: Show the city location where you request was originated from.:Whereami ip
: Show the ip location where you request was originated from.
You can also use the methods, for example for key bindings
local whereami = require("whereami") -- show the country -- show the city
whereami.ip() -- show the IP
-- set keymaps
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>l",, { desc = "Show the country" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>e",, { desc = "Show the city" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>i", whereami.ip, { desc = "Show the ip" })