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radare committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent 9c9f868 commit c41e177
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Showing 2 changed files with 235 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions old/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Old RefCards

This directory contains old reference cards
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions old/radare2_rc.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@

% Radare2 Quick Reference Card
% Copyright (c) 2014 Thanat0s
% TeX Format

% Note: Comment the following line (\input outopt.tex) if you want
% to generate yourself the card, either in DVI or PDF format.
% Uncomment the three next lines for PDF generation.
% Command for DVI : tex radare2_rc.tex
% Command for PDF : pdftex radare2_rc.tex

% \input outopt.tex

% \pdfoutput=1

% Font definitions


\def\title#1{\hfil{\bf #1}\hfil\par\vskip 2pt\hrule}
\def\cm#1#2{{\tt#1} \dotfill {#2}\par}
\def\cn#1{\hfill$\lfloor$ #1\par}
\def\sect#1{\vskip 0.7cm {\it#1\/}\par}

% Characters definitions

% Three columns definitions
\parindent 0pt
\def\fullline{\hbox to\fullhsize}
\if L\lr
\else\if M\lr

% Card content
% Header
%\hrule\vskip 3pt
\title{Radare2 REFERENCE CARD}

\sect{Survival Guide}
\cm{aa}{auto analyse}
\cm{pdf@fcn{\key{Tab}}}{Disassemble function}
\cm{f fcn{\key{Tab}}}{List functions}
\cm{f str{\key{Tab}}}{List strings}
\cm{fr [flagname] [newname]}{Rename flag}
\cm{psz [offset]}{Print string}
\cm{arf [flag]}{Find cross ref for a flag}

\cm{fs}{display flagspaces}
\cm{fs *}{select all flagspace}
\cm{fs [sections]}{select one flagspace}

\cm{f}{list flags}
\cm{fj}{display flags in json}
\cm{fl}{show flag length}
\cm{fx}{show hexdump of flag}
\cm{fC [name] [cmt]}{set flag comment}

\cm{ii}{Info on imports}
\cm{iI}{Info on binary}
\cm{ie}{Display entrypoint}
\cm{iS}{Display sections}
\cm{ir}{Display relocations}

\sect{Print string}
\cm{psz [offset]}{Print stringZ'}
\cm{psb [offset]}{Print strings in current block}
\cm{psx [offset]}{Show string with scaped chars}
\cm{psp [offset]}{Print pascal string}
\cm{psw [offset]}{Print wide string}

\sect{Visual mode}
\cm{V}{Enter visual mode}
\cm{p/P}{rotate modes (hex, disasm, debug, words, buf)}
\cm{c}{toggle (c)ursor}
\cm{q}{back to radare shell}
\cm{hjkl}{move around (or HJKL) (left-down-up-right)}
\cm{Enter}{follow address of jump/call}
\cm{sS}{step / step over}
\cm{o}{go/seek to given offset}
\cm{.}{seek to program counter}
\cm{/}{in cursor mode search in current block}
\cm{:cmd}{run radare command}
\cm{;[-]cmt}{add/remove comment}
\cm{/*+-[]}{change block size, [] = resize hex.cols}
\cm{$>$||$<$}{seek aligned to block size}
\cm{i/a/A}{(i)nsert hex, (a)ssemble code, visual (A)ssembler}
\cm{b/B}{toggle breakpoint / automatic block size}
\cm{d[f?]}{define function, data, code, ..}
\cm{D}{enter visual diff mode (set diff.from/to)}
\cm{e}{edit eval configuration variables}
\cm{f/F}{set/unset flag}
\cm{gG}{go seek to begin and end of file (0-\dollar{}s)}
\cm{mK/'K}{mark/go to Key (any key)}
\cm{M}{walk the mounted filesystems}
\cm{n/N}{seek next/prev function/flag/hit (scr.nkey)}
\cm{o}{go/seek to given offset}
\cm{C}{toggle (C)olors}
\cm{R}{randomize color palette (ecr)}
\cm{t}{track flags (browse symbols, functions..)}
\cm{T}{browse anal info and comments}
\cm{v}{visual code analysis menu}
\cm{V/W}{(V)iew graph (agv?), open (W)ebUI}
\cm{uU}{undo/redo seek}
\cm{x}{show xrefs to seek between them}
\cm{yY}{copy and paste selection}
\cm{z}{toggle zoom mode}

\cm{/ foo\bs{}00}{search for string 'foo\bs{}0'}
\cm{/b}{search backwards}
\cm{//}{repeat last search}
\cm{/w foo}{search for wide string 'f\bs{}0o\bs{}0o\bs{}0'}
\cm{/wi foo}{search for wide string ignoring case}
\cm{/! ff}{search for first occurrence not matching}
\cm{/i foo}{search for string 'foo' ignoring case}
\cm{/e /E.F/i}{match regular expression}
\cm{/x a1b2c3}{search for bytes, same as {\tt/x A1 B2 C3}}
\cm{/x a1..c3}{search for bytes ignoring some nibbles}
\cm{/x a1b2:fff3}{search for bytes with mask}
\cm{/d 101112}{search for a deltified sequence of bytes}
\cm{/!x 00}{inverse hexa search (find first byte != 0x00)}
\cm{/c jmp [esp]}{search for asm code (see search.asmstr)}
\cm{/a jmp eax}{assemble opcode and search its bytes}
\cm{/A}{search for AES expanded keys}
\cm{/r sym.printf}{analyze opcode reference an offset}
\cm{/R}{search for ROP gadgets}
\cm{/P}{show offset of previous instruction}
\cm{/m magicfile}{search for matching magic file}
\cm{/p patternsize}{search for pattern of given size}
\cm{/z min max}{search for strings of given size}
\cm{/v[?248] num}{look for a asm.bigendian 32bit value}

\cm{Po [file]}{open project}
\cm{Ps [file]}{save project}
\cm{Pi [file]}{show project informations}

\sect{Usable variables in expression}
\cm{\dollar{}\dollar{}}{here (current virtual seek)}
\cm{\dollar{}o}{here (current disk io offset)}
\cm{\dollar{}s}{file size}
\cm{\dollar{}b}{block size}
\cm{\dollar{}w}{get word size, 4 if asm.bits=32, 8 if 64}
\cm{\dollar{}c,\dollar{}r}{get width and height of terminal}
\cm{\dollar{}S}{section offset}
\cm{\dollar{}SS}{section size}
\cm{\dollar{}j}{jump address (jmp 0x10, jz 0x10 =$>$ 0x10)}
\cm{\dollar{}f}{jump fail address (jz 0x10 =$>$ next instruction)}
\cm{\dollar{}I}{number of instructions of current function}
\cm{\dollar{}F}{current function size}
\cm{\dollar{}Jn}{get nth jump of function}
\cm{\dollar{}Cn}{get nth call of function}
\cm{\dollar{}Dn}{get nth data reference in function}
\cm{\dollar{}Xn}{get nth xref of function}
\cm{\dollar{}m}{opcode memory reference (mov eax,[0x10] =$>$ 0x10)}
\cm{\dollar{}l}{opcode length}
\cm{\dollar{}e}{1 if end of block, else 0}
\cm{\dollar{}ev}{get value of eval config variable}
\cm{\dollar{}?}{last comparison value}

% Footer
\vfill \hrule\smallskip
{\smallrm This card may be freely distributed under
the terms of the GNU general public licence ---
Copyright \copyright\ {\oldstyle 2014} by Thanat0s - v0.1 -}

% Ending
\if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
\if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi


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