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start on a rectangle mode -- are these rectangles actually right?
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rfindler committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent 3a800c8 commit b9196da
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 26 deletions.
114 changes: 88 additions & 26 deletions gui-lib/framework/private/text-indent-guides.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,21 @@
;; end of the enclosing edit-sequence
(define recalculate-x-for-guides-after-edit-sequence #f)

;; para -o> guide
;; when #t we're going to draw rectangles extending to the right
;; from the guide positions and when #f, we're going to draw
;; guide lines only. Also, when #t we'll calculate the guides
;; slightly differently so that the rectangles end up starting
;; behind the first lines for an indent, not at the first line that
;; whitespace after the new indentation level
(define rectangle-mode? #t)
(define/public (set-rectangle-mode new-mode?)
(unless (equal? rectangle-mode? new-mode?)
(set! rectangle-mode? new-mode?)
(when guides
(set! guides (make-adjustable-skip-list))
(recalculate-lines-guides 0 (last-paragraph)))))

;; (or/c #f adjustable-skip-list[para -o> guide?])
(define guides #f)
(define/public-final (get-guides) guides)
(define/public-final (show-indent-guides! on?)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,15 +280,22 @@
(define spots-to-consider
[(= previous-line-indent 0) '()]
[(= previous-line-indent 0)
(if (= this-line-indent 0)
(if rectangle-mode?
(list this-line-indent)
[(member previous-line-indent previous-line-guides) previous-line-guides]
[else (append previous-line-guides (list previous-line-indent))]))
(let loop ([spots-to-consider spots-to-consider])
[(null? spots-to-consider) '()]
(define spot (car spots-to-consider))
(if (<= this-line-indent spot)
(if (if rectangle-mode?
(< this-line-indent spot)
(<= this-line-indent spot))
(cons spot (loop (cdr spots-to-consider))))])))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,18 +422,39 @@

(define/override (on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
(when guides
(define lt-position (find-position left top))
(define top-para (position-paragraph lt-position))
(define lb-position (find-position left bottom))
(define bot-para (position-paragraph lb-position))
(when before?
(when rectangle-mode?
(define pen-before (send dc get-pen))
(define brush-before (send dc get-brush))
(send dc set-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "black" 1 'transparent))

;; the drawing commands come in a bad order for drawing rectangles
;; so we collect all of them and then draw them in depth order at the end.
(define to-draws (make-hash))
(λ (x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end depth)
(define (to-draw)
(draw-a-box dc dx dy x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end depth))
(hash-set! to-draws depth (cons to-draw (hash-ref to-draws depth '()))))
top-para bot-para)
(for ([i (in-inclusive-range 0 (apply max 0 (hash-keys to-draws)))])
(for ([th (in-list (hash-ref to-draws i '()))])
(send dc set-brush brush-before)
(send dc set-pen pen-before)))
(unless before?
(define pen-before (send dc get-pen))
(send dc set-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "gray" 1 'solid))
(define lt-position (find-position left top))
(define top-para (position-paragraph lt-position))
(define lb-position (find-position left bottom))
(define bot-para (position-paragraph lb-position))
(λ (x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end)
(draw-a-line dc dx dy x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end))
top-para bot-para)
(send dc set-pen pen-before)))
(unless rectangle-mode?
(define pen-before (send dc get-pen))
(send dc set-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "gray" 1 'solid))
(λ (x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end depth)
(draw-a-line dc dx dy x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end))
top-para bot-para)
(send dc set-pen pen-before))))
(super on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret))

(define/public (draw-the-lines draw-a-line top-para bot-para)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,12 +506,13 @@
(for ([para (in-range top-para (+ bot-para 1))])
(define guide (skip-list-ref guides para #f))
(define new-pending-xs
(let loop ([pending-xs pending-xs]
(let loop ([depth 0]
[pending-xs pending-xs]
[guide-xs (guide-guides guide)])
[(null? guide-xs)
;; the remaining pending-xs have ended, draw the actual lines
(draw-ended-pending-xs draw-a-line pending-xs pending-lines (- para 1))
(draw-ended-pending-xs depth draw-a-line pending-xs pending-lines (- para 1))
[(null? pending-xs)
;; the remaining guide-xs are new lines starting
Expand All @@ -487,27 +530,30 @@
#:mode 'write)
"\n ")))
(when (pair? guide-xs)
(define x (guide-x (skip-list-ref guides (- para 1))))
(define x (guide-x (if rectangle-mode?
(skip-list-ref guides (- para 1)))))
(hash-set! pending-lines (car guide-xs) (cons x para)))
(unless (= (car pending-xs) (car guide-xs))
(error 'text-indent-guides.rkt::internal-error
"pending-xs started with ~a but guide-xs started with ~a"
(car pending-xs)
(car guide-xs)))
(cons (car pending-xs) (loop (cdr pending-xs) (cdr guide-xs)))])))
"pending-xs and guide-xs starts are different\n pending-xs: ~s\n guide-xs: ~s"
(cons (car pending-xs) (loop (+ depth 1) (cdr pending-xs) (cdr guide-xs)))])))
(set! pending-xs new-pending-xs))
;; here all of the remainding pending lines have finished (possibly because
;; we're redrawing only a portion the screen), so draw them.
(draw-ended-pending-xs draw-a-line pending-xs pending-lines bot-para))
(draw-ended-pending-xs 0 draw-a-line pending-xs pending-lines bot-para))

(define/private (draw-ended-pending-xs draw-a-line finished-xs pending-lines para)
(for ([finished-x (in-list finished-xs)])
(define/private (draw-ended-pending-xs depth draw-a-line finished-xs pending-lines para)
(for ([finished-x (in-list finished-xs)]
[depth (in-naturals depth)])
(match-define (cons x-in-editor-coordinates y-start) (hash-ref pending-lines finished-x))
;; this line no longer has the guide, end at the previous para
(define line-to-start-drawing-at y-start)
(draw-a-line x-in-editor-coordinates finished-x line-to-start-drawing-at para)
(draw-a-line x-in-editor-coordinates finished-x line-to-start-drawing-at para depth)
(hash-remove! pending-lines finished-x)))

(define/private (draw-a-line dc dx dy x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end)
Expand All @@ -526,4 +572,20 @@
(+ dy sy)
(+ dx -1 x-in-editor-coordinates)
(+ dy ey (if (= y (last-paragraph)) -1 0)))
(loop (+ y 1))))))))
(loop (+ y 1)))))

(define/private (draw-a-box dc dx dy x-in-editor-coordinates x y-start y-end depth)
(define by (box 0))
(define sp (paragraph-start-position y-start))
(position-location sp #f by #t #f #t)
(define sy (unbox by))
(define ep (paragraph-start-position y-end))
(position-location ep #f by #f #f #t)
(define ey (unbox by))
(define c (round (* 255 (- 1 (* 1/3 (min 1 (/ (+ depth 1) 5)))))))
(send dc set-brush (make-object color% c c c) 'solid)
(send dc draw-rectangle
(+ dx x-in-editor-coordinates)
(+ dy sy)
(- ey sy))))))

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