C library for estimating cardinality in data streams, in which case it is infeasible to store all events in memory.
This library implements a series of cardinality estimating algorithms such as Linear Counting, LogLog Counting, HyperLogLog Counting and Adaptive Counting. For more information about these algorithms please read the Reference section.
Building ccard-lib needs scons. Please read scons user guide for more information about it.
Building PHP extension of ccard-lib needs SWIG to be installed. Running unit-tests needs googletest to be installed.
Assuming you have scons installed, just build ccard-lib like this:
scons install
Scons will build and install ccard-lib to your system.
You can also run unit-tests to make sure the library works as expected:
scons test
By default ccard-lib will be installed at /usr/local/lib
, if you want to
change the install directory please replace the "libdir" setting in
file with your target directory.
The following command will build and install card-lib PHP extension:
scons install-php
SWIG is used to generate PHP extension, please install it before run this command.
If you want to uninstall ccard-lib from your system, use the following commands:
scons -c install-php
scons -c install
See test-cases in subdirectory t/ to learn how to use ccard-lib.
Source codes should always be formatted before committing by running script
in top-dir. It utilized
astyle to do the job, so you probably want to
install it first. Make sure you install astyle v2.03 or later, as the
indenting result differs from previous versions (see
here for details)
- K.-Y. Whang, B. T. Vander-Zanden, and H. M. Taylor. A Linear-Time Probabilistic Counting Algorithm for Database Applications. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 15(2):208-229, 1990.
- Marianne Durand and Philippe Flajolet. LogLog counting of large cardinalities. In ESA03, volume 2832 of LNCS, pages 605-617, 2003.
- Min Cai, Jianping Pan, Yu K. Kwok, and Kai Hwang. Fast and accurate traffic matrix measurement using adaptive cardinality counting. In MineNet '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Mining network data, pages 205-206, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM.
- P. Flajolet, E. Fusy, O. Gandouet, and F. Meunier. Hyperloglog: The analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm. Disc. Math. and Theor. Comp. Sci., AH:127-146, 2007.
- Stefan Heule, Marc Nunkesser, Alex Hall. HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm. In Proceedings of the EDBT 2013 Conference, ACM, Genoa, Italy.
The implemention refers stream-lib.
The following estimating results is calculated using bitmap with length of 2^16 (64k) bytes:
Linear Counting with Murmurhash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 50062, error: 0.12%
actual: 100000, estimated: 99924, error: 0.08%
actual: 150000, estimated: 149865, error: 0.09%
actual: 200000, estimated: 199916, error: 0.04%
actual: 250000, estimated: 250123, error: 0.05%
actual: 300000, estimated: 299942, error: 0.02%
actual: 350000, estimated: 349801, error: 0.06%
actual: 400000, estimated: 400101, error: 0.03%
actual: 450000, estimated: 449955, error: 0.01%
actual: 500000, estimated: 500065, error: 0.01%
Linear Counting with Lookup3hash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 49835, error: 0.33%
actual: 100000, estimated: 99461, error: 0.54%
actual: 150000, estimated: 149006, error: 0.66%
actual: 200000, estimated: 198501, error: 0.75%
actual: 250000, estimated: 248365, error: 0.65%
actual: 300000, estimated: 298065, error: 0.65%
actual: 350000, estimated: 347504, error: 0.71%
actual: 400000, estimated: 397292, error: 0.68%
actual: 450000, estimated: 446700, error: 0.73%
actual: 500000, estimated: 495944, error: 0.81%
Hyperloglog Counting with Murmurhash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 50015, error: 0.03%
actual: 100000, estimated: 100048, error: 0.05%
actual: 150000, estimated: 149709, error: 0.19%
actual: 200000, estimated: 201595, error: 0.80%
actual: 250000, estimated: 250168, error: 0.07%
actual: 300000, estimated: 299864, error: 0.05%
actual: 350000, estimated: 348571, error: 0.41%
actual: 400000, estimated: 398583, error: 0.35%
actual: 450000, estimated: 448632, error: 0.30%
actual: 500000, estimated: 498330, error: 0.33%
Hyperloglog Counting with Lookup3hash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 49628, error: 0.74%
actual: 100000, estimated: 99357, error: 0.64%
actual: 150000, estimated: 148880, error: 0.75%
actual: 200000, estimated: 200475, error: 0.24%
actual: 250000, estimated: 249362, error: 0.26%
actual: 300000, estimated: 299119, error: 0.29%
actual: 350000, estimated: 349225, error: 0.22%
actual: 400000, estimated: 398805, error: 0.30%
actual: 450000, estimated: 448373, error: 0.36%
actual: 500000, estimated: 498183, error: 0.36%
Adaptive Counting with Murmurhash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 50015, error: 0.03%
actual: 100000, estimated: 100048, error: 0.05%
actual: 150000, estimated: 149709, error: 0.19%
actual: 200000, estimated: 201059, error: 0.53%
actual: 250000, estimated: 249991, error: 0.00%
actual: 300000, estimated: 300067, error: 0.02%
actual: 350000, estimated: 349610, error: 0.11%
actual: 400000, estimated: 399875, error: 0.03%
actual: 450000, estimated: 450348, error: 0.08%
actual: 500000, estimated: 500977, error: 0.20%
Adaptive Counting with Lookup3hash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 49628, error: 0.74%
actual: 100000, estimated: 99357, error: 0.64%
actual: 150000, estimated: 148880, error: 0.75%
actual: 200000, estimated: 199895, error: 0.05%
actual: 250000, estimated: 249563, error: 0.17%
actual: 300000, estimated: 299047, error: 0.32%
actual: 350000, estimated: 348665, error: 0.38%
actual: 400000, estimated: 399266, error: 0.18%
actual: 450000, estimated: 450196, error: 0.04%
actual: 500000, estimated: 499516, error: 0.10%
Loglog Counting with Murmurhash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 59857, error: 19.71%
actual: 100000, estimated: 103108, error: 3.11%
actual: 150000, estimated: 150917, error: 0.61%
actual: 200000, estimated: 201059, error: 0.53%
actual: 250000, estimated: 249991, error: 0.00%
actual: 300000, estimated: 300067, error: 0.02%
actual: 350000, estimated: 349610, error: 0.11%
actual: 400000, estimated: 399875, error: 0.03%
actual: 450000, estimated: 450348, error: 0.08%
actual: 500000, estimated: 500977, error: 0.20%
Loglog Counting with Lookup3hash:
actual: 50000, estimated: 59870, error: 19.74%
actual: 100000, estimated: 103044, error: 3.04%
actual: 150000, estimated: 150435, error: 0.29%
actual: 200000, estimated: 199895, error: 0.05%
actual: 250000, estimated: 249563, error: 0.17%
actual: 300000, estimated: 299047, error: 0.32%
actual: 350000, estimated: 348665, error: 0.38%
actual: 400000, estimated: 399266, error: 0.18%
actual: 450000, estimated: 450196, error: 0.04%
actual: 500000, estimated: 499516, error: 0.10%
HyperloglogPlus Counting with Murmurhash 64bit:
actual: 50000, estimated: 49801, error: 0.40%
actual: 100000, estimated: 101098, error: 1.10%
actual: 150000, estimated: 151488, error: 0.99%
actual: 200000, estimated: 201337, error: 0.67%
actual: 250000, estimated: 252130, error: 0.85%
actual: 300000, estimated: 301995, error: 0.66%
actual: 350000, estimated: 352194, error: 0.63%
actual: 400000, estimated: 402413, error: 0.60%
actual: 450000, estimated: 454293, error: 0.95%
actual: 500000, estimated: 503228, error: 0.65%