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QWC Map Viewer

Provide a QWC2 Web Client application using QWC services.

Note: Requires a QWC OGC service or QGIS server running on ogc_service_url. Additional QWC Services are optional.


Copy your QWC2 files from a production build (see QWC2 Quick start):

SRCDIR=path/to/qwc2-app/prod/ DSTDIR=$PWD
mkdir $DSTDIR/qwc2 && mkdir $DSTDIR/qwc2/dist
cd $SRCDIR && \
cp -r assets $DSTDIR/qwc2 && \
cp -r translations $DSTDIR/qwc2/translations && \
cp dist/QWC2App.js $DSTDIR/qwc2/dist/ && \
cp index.html $DSTDIR/qwc2/ && \
cp config.json $DSTDIR/qwc2/config.json && \
cd -


The static config and permission files are stored as JSON files in $CONFIG_PATH with subdirectories for each tenant, e.g. $CONFIG_PATH/default/*.json. The default tenant name is default.

Note:: Custom viewers have been replaced by tenants in v2.

Map Viewer config

  • JSON schema
  • File location: $CONFIG_PATH/<tenant>/mapViewerConfig.json


  "$schema": "",
  "service": "map-viewer",
  "config": {
    // path to QWC2 files
    "qwc2_path": "qwc2/",
    // QWC OGC service (required)
    "ogc_service_url": "http://localhost:5013/",
    // some optional QWC services
    "auth_service_url": "http://localhost:5017/",
    "data_service_url": "http://localhost:5012/"
  "resources": {
    "qwc2_config": {
      // restricted menu items
      "restricted_viewer_tasks": ["RasterExport"],

      "config": {
        // contents from QWC2 config.json
        "assetsPath": "/assets",
        // ...
    "qwc2_themes": {
      // contents from QWC2 themes.json
      "themes": {
        "items": [
            "name": "qwc_demo",
            "title": "Demo",
            "url": "/ows/qwc_demo",
            // ...
            "sublayers": [
              // ...
        "backgroundLayers": [
          // ...
        // ...

All config options may be overridden by setting corresponding upper-case environment variables, e.g. OGC_SERVICE_URL for ogc_service_url.

Main optional QWC services:

  • auth_service_url: QWC Auth Service URL
  • data_service_url: QWC Data Service URL
  • elevation_service_url: QWC Elevation Service URL
  • info_service_url: QWC FeatureInfo Service URL
  • legend_service_url: QWC Legend Service URL
  • permalink_service_url: QWC Permalink Service URL
  • print_service_url: QWC Print Service URL
  • proxy_service_url: Proxy Service URL
  • search_service_url: QWC Search Service URL
  • search_data_service_url: QWC Search Result Service URL

Additional user info fields may be read from the JWT identity by setting user_info_fields:

"config": {
  "user_info_fields": ["surname", "first_name"]

These will be added as user_infos in the config.json response if present in the current identity.

qwc2_config contains the QWC2 application configuration, with config corresponding to the contents of your standalone config.json file (see Documentation).

qwc2_themes contains the full themes configuration, corresponding to the contents of your standalone themes.json collected from themesConfig.json.

Add new themes to your themesConfig.json (see Documentation) and put any theme thumbnails into $QWC2_PATH/assets/img/mapthumbs/. The themesConfig.json file is used to collect the full themes configuration using GetProjectSettings.

Optional settings for restricted themes:

"config": {
  "show_restricted_themes": false,
  "show_restricted_themes_whitelist": [],
  "redirect_restricted_themes_to_auth": false,
  "internal_permalink_service_url": "http://qwc-permalink-service:9090"
  • show_restricted_themes (optional): Whether to insert placeholder items for restricted themes in themes.json (default: false)
  • show_restricted_themes_whitelist (optional): Whitelist of restricted theme names to include in themes.json. If empty, all restricted themes are shown. (default: [])
  • redirect_restricted_themes_to_auth (optional): Whether to redirect to login on auth service if requesting a restricted theme in URL params, if not currently signed in (default: false)
  • internal_permalink_service_url (optional): Internal Permalink service URL for getting the theme from a resolved permalink for redirecting to login (default: http://qwc-permalink-service:9090). This is used only if redirect_restricted_themes_to_auth is enabled and permalink_service_url is set.


  • File location: $CONFIG_PATH/<tenant>/permissions.json


  "users": [
      "name": "demo",
      "groups": ["demo"],
      "roles": []
  "groups": [
      "name": "demo",
      "roles": ["demo"]
  "roles": [
      "role": "public",
      "permissions": {
        "viewer_tasks": [],
        "wms_services": [
            "name": "qwc_demo",
            "layers": [
                "name": "qwc_demo"
                "name": "edit_demo"
                "name": "edit_points"
                "name": "edit_lines"
                "name": "edit_polygons"
                "name": "geographic_lines"
                "name": "country_names"
                "name": "states_provinces"
                "name": "countries"
                "name": "bluemarble_bg"
                "name": "osm_bg"
            "print_templates": ["A4 Landscape"]
        "background_layers": ["bluemarble", "mapnik"],
        "data_datasets": [
            "name": "qwc_demo.edit_points",
            "attributes": [
              "id", "name", "description", "num", "value", "type", "amount", "validated", "datetime"
      "role": "demo",
      "permissions": {
        "viewer_tasks": ["RasterExport"]
  • viewer_tasks: permitted menu items if any are restricted
  • wms_services: permitted WMS services, layers and print templates
  • background_layers: permitted background layers (use the wildcard string "*" to allow all background layers)
  • data_datasets: permitted datasets for editing

In this example, the Raster Export map tool will only be visible for users with the role demo.


Set the CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the path containing the service config and permission files when starting this service (default: config).

Base URL:


Sample requests:

curl 'http://localhost:5030/config.json'
curl 'http://localhost:5030/themes.json'

Docker images

The following Docker images are available:

  • sourcepole/qwc-map-viewer-base: Map viewer service
  • sourcepole/qwc-map-viewer-demo: Map viewer service with qwc-demo-app viewer


    git repos                Docker images

 │     qwc2      │
 │ qwc-demo-app  ├────────────┐
 │    config.json│ CI Build   │
 └───────────────┘      ┌─────▼───────────────┐
                     ┌──► qwc-map-viewer-demo │
 ┌───────────────┐   │  └─────────────────────┘
 │ qwc-map-viewer├───┤
 └───────────────┘   │  ┌─────────────────────┐
                     └──► qwc-map-viewer-base │

Run docker image

To run this docker image you will need the following three additional services:

  • qwc-postgis
  • qwc-qgis-server
  • qwc-ogc-service
  • qwc-data-service

Those services can be found under The following steps explain how to download those services and how to run the qwc-map-viewer with docker-compose.

Step 1: Clone qwc-docker

git clone
cd qwc-docker

Step 2: Create docker-compose.yml file

cp docker-compose-example.yml docker-compose.yml

Step 3: Choose between a version of the qwc-map-viewer


This is the demo version used in the docker-compose-example.yml file. With this version, the docker image comes with a preinstalled version of the latest qwc2-demo-app build and the python application for the viewer. Use this docker image, if you don't have your own build of the QWC2 app.


If you want to use your own QWC2 build then this is the docker image that you want to use. This docker image comes with only the python application installed on. Here is an example, on how you can add you own QWC2 build to the docker image:

    image: sourcepole/qwc-map-viewer-base
        - ""
    # Here you mount your own QWC2 build
        - /PATH_TO_QWC2_BUILD/:/qwc2:ro
        - /PATH_TO_CONFIG:/srv/qwc_service/config:ro

Step 4: Start docker containers

docker-compose up qwc-map-viewer

For more information please visit:


Install dependencies and run service:

uv run src/

With config path: