Extracts and displays contribution metrics about a given git repo, grouped by organization. Available metrics include:
- Number of patches committed/reviewed by the organization
- Patches to organization files from members and non-members
- Patches with changes suggested-by/reported-by organization members
- Ratio of reviews over committed patches
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You will also need git
available at your $PATH
The organizations to track contributions from must be configured through a yaml file. An example config is provided at examples/config.yaml.
Here is an example using contribution-tracker
at the
QEMU repo:
- First we extract the data and save it to
$ ./ctracker \
--repo path/to/qemu --branch master \
--config examples/config.yaml \
--format json --dir results
- Now we can quickly inspect it from the terminal with:
$ ./ctracker \
--config examples/config.yaml \
--format cli --dir results \
--from-json results/qemu.json
total_patches reviewed_patches internal_patches_to_org_files external_patches_to_org_files
-------- --------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
ibm 15789 5864 10149 12897
huawei 21220 3260 3199 3762
intel 74715 41885 39030 36478
amd 33041 27303 30472 34815
xilinx 1249 161 862 2474
siemens 393 39 7 7
fujitsu 1017 195 5 306
mips 719 31 522 6154
nvidia 11923 7497 3242 6597
nokia 239 31 0 73
qualcomm 4509 1509 1479 17128
nuviainc 7 24 0 2
mediatek 5404 794 4102 7755
samsung 7529 2513 2400 4131
broadcom 4290 1880 2667 7647
apple 21 7 1 22499
oracle 10691 7269 1612 11862
- Or make plots with:
$ ./ctracker \
--config examples/config.yaml \
--format plot --dir results \
--from-json results/qemu.json
Which produces images like the following:
The best way to learn about all the available features is by reading the --help info:
$ ./ctracker -h
usage: ctracker <options>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SINCE, --since SINCE
Since when to count patches (in years)
-o ORG [ORG ...], --orgs ORG [ORG ...]
Limit to these organizations
-v, --verbose Show infos and warnings
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Output format: cli, json, plot.
-d DIR, --dir DIR Directory to save plots when '--format plot' is used. Default is 'results'
-p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
Group the data by this period (in days). Default is '730' (2 years).You can also use 0 to use a single
-m METRIC [METRIC ...], --metrics METRIC [METRIC ...]
Which metrics to gather (use ^ to exclude a metric). Default to all: total_patches reviewed_patches
internal_patches_to_org_files external_patches_to_org_files reported_by_patches
-i ORG [ORG ...], --highlight ORG [ORG ...]
Highlight these organizations. Only meaningfull with --format plot.
-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
git branch to be analized. Default to HEAD
-r REPO, --repo REPO path to the git repo to be analized. Default to $PWD
-j FROM_JSON, --from-json FROM_JSON
Load from json file instead of collecting data from a repo.
--config CONFIG Config file to use.
- ctracker can take some time on large repos. For example, 10 years of Linux repo data takes about 35 minutes to process.
- At the moment, we group organization emails by looking at the domain. So if John Doe is a member of Foobar but contributes to a project using [email protected], not [email protected], we will not account for his contributions under the Foobar organization. A desired feature would be to allow to specify individual members as well, to lift this limitation (patches welcome!)
See CONTRIBUTING.md file for instructions on how to send code contributions to this project. You can also report an issue on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the BSD-3-clause License. See LICENSE.txt for the full license text.